Blue Ocean Global Technology Interviews Stephen Teasdale | Founder, All you Are

Blue Ocean Global Technology Interviews Stephen Teasdale | Founder & Director, All You Are

About Stephen Teasdale


Stephen Teasdale is an investor, entrepreneur, and founder and director of All You Are (AYA) in Bali, Indonesia. With expertise in real estate development and investment, he has successfully led numerous multi-million projects in the UK, developing companies that have been recognized in the “1000 Companies to Inspire Britain” list. With AYA, he aims to revolutionize urban living by creating exceptional, sustainable communities that prioritize inclusivity and environmental responsibility.

Blue Ocean: Please tell us a bit about yourself.

Stephen Teasdale: I am originally from the UK but currently living in Bali, Indonesia. I am passionate about learning and growth, which has fueled my interests in education, travel, and personal transformation. Experiencing different cultures has always been a big part of that for me. 

Recently, I decided to take a leap of faith and moved to Bali full-time to develop a real estate company called All You Are. This aligns with my values because I want to create places where people can stay for extended periods, allowing them to step outside of their comfort zones and experience true change.

Blue Ocean: Tell us about your professional life. Why did you choose to work in the real estate industry?

Stephen Teasdale: Building wealth, creating value, and empowering others are core values for me. I view wealth through a broader lens, encompassing not only monetary value but also the physical, mental, social, and natural richness of our environment. Living in a luxury resort next to a walled-off social housing project is not my idea of wealth. My perspective of true wealth comes from growing the wealth of those around me.

Real estate perfectly aligns with this because everyone understands the importance of a home and its value. It creates jobs in development, maintenance, and professional issues, plus well-built buildings can last beyond one; ‘s life. Homes are often people’s primary asset, so by creating high-quality properties, I can contribute to both their financial well-being and my own. There’s a strong connection between the two. 

My career path initially led me to investment management. I gained valuable experience working in London. However, the desk job wasn’t a great fit for me. After further studies in economics at Cambridge, I sought hands-on experience by joining my family’s business. It was a demanding and stressful environment but highly rewarding and also involved real estate, which reignited my passion for the field.

Blue Ocean: What does your typical day look like?

Stephen Teasdale: My days are a whirlwind in the best way possible. With multiple real estate projects in Bali, my schedule is constantly changing. One day I might be meeting the team at our office, followed by a site visit in the afternoon and then an evening meeting at a different hotel. The constant variety keeps things exciting. 

A common thread throughout my days is meeting fascinating people and physically checking the quality and details of our projects. And of course, squeezing in some well-deserved rest, ideally with some gym time, exploring off the beaten track by motorbike.

Blue Ocean: What are some of the things that you try to keep consistent when you’re traveling?

Stephen Teasdale: Even with my ever-changing schedule, I try to incorporate a few things into every trip. Firstly, flights become productive stretches for me – there are usually no distractions. I use that time to plan and organize upcoming stays.

Secondly, I prioritize unique experiences. For instance, on my upcoming trip to the US, I’m breaking up the journey with a stopover in Taipei to explore the local culture. I also seek out hotels with interesting designs and ideally, a connection to the city’s vibe. It’s about going beyond the typical tourist experience and adding a touch of personal style and comfort.

Blue Ocean: What is one trend from your industry that excites you?

Stephen Teasdale: The rise of remote work, fueled by advancements like AI, is a trend I find incredibly exciting. It allows people, especially experienced professionals, to choose location independence. This translates into longer stays in destinations like Bali, which benefits the local economy and environment by reducing short, frequent flights. But the real magic happens on a personal level. One can truly absorb a new culture over a longer period, compared to a quick tourist visit. This trend creates a gap in the market for well-equipped accommodations designed for extended stays, and that’s exactly what my real estate projects aim to address.

Blue Ocean: How have you differentiated yourself and what underpins your success?

Stephen Teasdale: In Bali’s crowded development scene, I differentiate All You Are by focusing on quality and building for the global traveler. While others prioritize quick, mass-produced apartments, we create high-quality spaces designed for extended stays by remote workers and travelers. It’s about value, not just short-term gains.

This innovative business model fills a gap in the market. Currently, these extended-stay travelers only have options like impersonal hotels, budget hostels, or potentially subpar year-long villas. All You Are offers a comfortable, well-designed alternative that caters specifically to their needs.

Success is yet to be fully defined, as this is a new model. However, the positive sales response so far is encouraging. My confidence stems from a strong belief in this vision and a commitment to building something sustainable, not just chasing fleeting profits.

Blue Ocean: What is something unique you offer your clients?

Stephen Teasdale: First, beyond beautiful locations, we focus on creating communities for extended stays. This means dedicated products and services specifically designed for remote workers and global travelers.

Second, instead of maximizing density, we prioritize well-equipped facilities. I provide dedicated areas like gyms, libraries, or co-working spaces to support a healthy and productive lifestyle.

But the true differentiator is our diverse portfolio of locations within a 10-minute radius. Imagine having access to a jungle eco-resort, townhouses with rooftop pools, a stunning location near the highest peak in the area, and a beachfront property–all within easy reach. It’s like having multiple vacation destinations at your fingertips, perfect for escaping the routine and finding the perfect setting for work or leisure.

Blue Ocean: What is an achievement in your personal or professional life that you are most proud of?

Stephen Teasdale: I’m most proud of my ability to embrace change and forge my own path. Leaving a secure finance career in London (a dream job for many) wasn’t easy. It challenged societal expectations and forced me to define success on my own terms. Transitioning from the corporate world to working alongside my family in a smaller business environment presented its own set of challenges, yet I embraced them wholeheartedly. But ultimately, I craved more. Finally, taking the leap to Bali, a place some might consider daunting, and launching a new business from scratch, has been incredibly rewarding. It required immense effort and resourcefulness, and the progress we’ve made so far is a testament to that.

Blue Ocean: What is the most memorable moment of your career at All You Are?

Stephen Teasdale: Researching for AYA involves the unenviable task of visiting other new developments and hospitality concepts. One particularly memorable moment happened during a trip to Sumbawa, located two islands east of Bali. Instead of opting for the conventional two flights and a long drive, or a circuitous route by bike with the freedom to choose the path and scenery, I embarked on an adventurous journey by bike.

Consulting the map, I identified the closest fishing village and made my way there. Upon arrival, I engaged in negotiations with local fishermen to charter a boat to transport me across the Alas Strait, bringing me closer to my final destination on the southwest coast of Sumbawa. The scenic journey and sense of accomplishment affirmed that the path less traveled sometimes offers the best experience.

Blue Ocean: What advice would you give to young people aspiring to pursue real estate?

Stephen Teasdale: For aspiring real estate professionals, understanding leverage and financial concepts is crucial. Real estate offers a unique opportunity to build wealth through appreciating assets. Leverage, when used wisely, can significantly amplify your returns. However, it’s equally important to manage risk effectively.

Blue Ocean: What is something you are grateful for?

Stephen Teasdale: I’m incredibly grateful for the chance to combine my passion for real estate with the beauty of Bali. Building a team that shares this purpose and enjoys the journey together makes it even more special.

Blue Ocean: What are your sources of inspiration?

Stephen Teasdale: I draw inspiration from people who are both passionate and independent. They challenge societal expectations and aren’t afraid to be unconventional to make a positive impact. Steve Jobs and other visionary entrepreneurs are great examples. But inspiration also comes from closer to home – people like my colleagues who bring their dedication and drive to the table.

Blue Ocean: Outside of work, what passions or interests do you pursue?

Stephen Teasdale: I have picked my interests and turned them into part of my career and work. However, I still make time for dedicated leisure activities. Traveling has always been a passion of mine, and I enjoy exploring new destinations with interesting designs and architecture. It is a way to keep myself inspired and broaden my perspective.

Blue Ocean: Please share your favorite quotation.

Stephen Teasdale: “The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.”

This is from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay ‘Self Reliance,’ where he emphasizes the importance of individual authenticity and the necessity of personal effort to achieve true fulfillment, advocating that one should embrace their unique capabilities and reject envy and imitation.

Do you have a personal or professional story that can inspire other people into becoming the best version of themselves?

You are welcome to share your journey with our audience.

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Brittney Bagiardi

Business Development & Marketing Manager at Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP February 4, 2020

The Legal Marketing Association's Tampa City Group was honored to have Sameer come to speak with us regarding Online Reputation Management. Sameer is an energetic presenter who took the time to answer each and every one of our questions. His expertise was evident in his polished presentation, and our members were engaged thoroughly. All communications leading up to the event were timely and friendly, and I have enjoyed my time working with Sameer on this speaking engagement.

Tamie Maffeo

Marketing Manager at NEIRG Wealth Management. & Business Succession Advisers, LLC

Working with Sameer and the team at Blue Ocean Global Technology has been such a positive experience! The ongoing communication combined with the efficiency of work of the team is very much appreicated. Sameer is quick to respond to any questions we may have. He and his team is quick to to resolve any questions that arise. They go above and beyond for us no matter what day or time we reach out. I have had many dissapointing engagements over the years with similar firms but must say that this is a refreshing experience. I am in a niche business with complicated regulations surronding our marketing platform. Having the peace of mind that the team at Blue Ocean is there to impliment and guide our firm gives me great satisfation. That being said, I give them my highest reccomendations and would gladly speak with anyone who has any questions regarding my experience.

Jay Chong

EVP, Head of e-Mobility Group at SK Group

I had a chance to work with Sameer for several months, and he has been one of the most transparent and responsible people I have ever worked with. He has been highly responsive, always responding within a day despite the time zone difference, and thoughtful, which was a big relief for me as some I worked with in the past were "Catch Me if You Can". He has delivered all his promises and more. He has been genuine and results oriented. It has been a pleasure working with him, and I highly recommend his service.

Vern Hayden

Client Advocate at Sovereign Financial Group, Inc

Sameer lives outside the cliche’s of life. Let me put it this way:

If you were looking for someone totally committed to helping in a mission, a cause, or company you would want Sameer.

If you were looking for someone who would drop everything to help you, who knows the best and worst about you, someone with empathy and understanding, in short someone you call a “true friend” , you would want Sameer.

If you want someone who has aligned themselves with the great causes of women you will want Sameer. If you want someone who gives a damn about kids that are abused,misplaced,without direction,kicked to the curb, and need help get Sameer.

If you want someone to give a mesmerizing presentation get Sameer. He will stay up all night doing relentless research on the subject and the audience and inspire your audience to action.

If you want someone with a consistent well defined philosophy of life combined with a remarkable code of ethics you want Sameer.

If you want a leader with emotional and academic intelligence combined with magnetic charisma check in with Sameer.

If you want a team player who has been in the trenches as well as the mountain tops Sameer has been there.

If you want someone to help stabilize your business and take it to greater fulfillment Sameer will be there for you.

If you need a George Gilder tech genius as a resource., Sameer knows the best and can bring innovative solutions to your challenges. ( the right wing radio host Rush Limbaugh said if he could choose another brain it would be Gilder’s.)
If you need someone to trust with integrity and accountability you need to meet Sameer. I could go on but I think you know how I feel about this guy now. I have known and been a friend for over two decades.

Najah A. Edmondson

Marketing professional at National Center For College & Career Transitions (NC3T), The TASA Group and ASK For Tutoring

Sameer Somal is a personality you cannot forget! I met Sameer one year exhibiting at the Delaware Valley Legal Expo in King of Prussia, PA. It was the end of the night and he came over to introduce himself to me and my colleague. We engaged in an amazing conversation about The TASA Group and about relationship management. He helped us take our belongings to the car at the end of the night. We all left with a new connection and a lifelong friend. So excited with meeting Sameer, we immediately figured out how we could work together - webinars, articles and in-person presentations to some of the organizations we are partnered with. It's been a few years since we met and Sameer continues to thrive in his field and in his expertise. The light he exudes is both infectious and comforting. I would recommend Sameer for any job!

Walt Wiesenhutter

Certified Small Business Mentor at SCORE Mentors Philadelphia. Taught at Harvard University Executive MBA & at Columbia Executive MBA & Northwestern Executive MBA

My name is Walter J. Wiesenhutter and I am loyal client of Sameer Somal’s and Blue Ocean Global Technology. I founded Jay Associates in 1984 and served as president of our consulting company for several decades. Regretfully, our offices were in the World Trade Center in 9/11 and we lost key team members as a result of those tragic events. We persevered for the next few years to replace the seemingly unreplaceable. I met Sameer, one of the co-founders of Blue Ocean Global Technology in 2005. I was immediately impressed with his genuine character and commitment to serving others. The emergence of the internet and digital technology changed our business so much and our meeting couldn’t have been more serendipitous. I was quite fortunate to learn of this company’s world-class resources. Over the years, they were instrumental in improving our stellar reputation and building a digital presence that reflected the trust we had with our clients offline. As business partners, clients, and friends complained about their Google presence, disappointing web development projects, and digital marketing companies over promising and under delivering, I referred them directly to Sameer and his team at Blue Ocean Global Technology. Their needs and requirements were always handled with care; the feedback is always exceptional because they deliver results based on exactly what the companies want to help them grow. When Blue Ocean Global Tech did not feel they could provide the best service or guidance on a particular situation, Sameer and his colleagues are honest with me or anyone from my network. They then took the time to find resources and partners within their trusted network that were a better fit. Today, at 75, I am delighted to share and document my successful experiences with this team of excellent professionals. If you are looking for a global team that is diligent, honest, and transparent, you have found the right company in Blue Ocean Global Technology. Not only do I give them my highest and best recommendation, I feel fortunate to call many of their global team members my friends!