
Find Our FAQs: Blue Ocean Global Technology

Artificial Inteligence

  • Why is Artificial Intelligence important for my business?

    More and more companies are adopting advanced technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their business model. Similar to the websites and online spaces companies created in the late 1990s, this new tech is transforming from an innovation that can help a company get ahead to one that businesses must adopt just to stay competitive.

    Depending on the specifics of your business, AI can often help to improve logistical efficiency and to automate processes that would otherwise normally require human attention. This can save your company both time and money, allow employees to focus on more important tasks and strategies, and give your business a way to know its customers in better and more insightful ways.

  • How can Artificial Intelligence affect the growth of my business?

    Because Artificial Intelligence (AI) improves over time, the benefits of adopting it will often last longer than those provided by a simple software or tech upgrade. Typically, when a business buys a new tool to use, it results in a one-time benefit, but purchasing a newer, better tool will, eventually and inevitably, be required when the previous one becomes obsolete. AIs have the advantage of iterative improvement, growing increasingly more capable at performing their assignments as they repeat them over and over.

    Additionally, not only will AI help with the growth of your business, but it can also help you discover where it should be growing. Customer data often exists in incredibly large data sets, in volumes so large that no human being could ever parse it by hand. AI can systematically examine and analyze such data to give your business insight into your customers in ways previously thought impossible. That information can then inform you as to which customers to target with which services, and which areas of your business offer the greatest potential for growth and expansion.

  • Is my business ready for Artificial Intelligence?

    The simple answer to whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) could benefit your company is maybe. AI is usually not the only digital technology that a company will adopt when integrating advanced tech into its business model. AI is often applied through Big Data, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and the Internet of Things. Adopting AI is often part of an overall strategy of digital transformation, which involves transitioning a business to a new model that can more easily adapt and change as the pace of technology continues to accelerate.

    Working with a technology consultant or a firm with experience in the field can help you determine whether AI is the right choice for your business and, if so, the most advantageous method for using it. If you are going to implement AI, you want to do so right. The way to achieve the best results is to partner with someone who thoroughly understands the technology and its application.

  • When do I need Artificial Intelligence for my business?

    You should probably incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your business very soon. More and more companies are adopting advanced digital technology to improve their bottom line and to manage the large amounts of data they collect through their websites, customer interactions, logistical information, and overall business processes. Rather than simply ignoring or deleting this information, companies are using AI to not only discover where the inefficiencies are within their business but also determine the best way of addressing those inefficiencies.

    An important thing to understand is that the size of a business isn’t always the deciding factor for AI adoption, or even a major one. The value of Cloud Computing, for example, is that it allows a company that had previously been unable to afford a network infrastructure to now have access to advanced digital tech, along with servers and services around the globe.

  • Is AI present or future?

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Not A Thing Of The Future; It Is Already Here

    In fact, it’s already everywhere—when you use a smartphone, when you use an online chat window to speak with a customer service representative, when your car beeps at you because you are drifting out of your lane on the highway, when you make a vague request of Amazon’s Alexa and get the exact music you wanted in return. In all these cases, you are in some way interacting with automated AI processes.

    AI is being integrated into our lives in ways large and small, perhaps most usefully to allow businesses to automate certain repetitive processes, create efficiencies, and reduce redundancies in areas we never before thought possible. Customers with questions are interacting with AI programs that determine what they actually need before they are connected with live customer service reps. Such streamlining reduces payroll costs and allows customer service issues to be resolved more quickly. Automated systems can predict a customer’s preferences, honing product recommendations for the individual. When applied effectively, AI can positively impact and enhance a busines at every level.

  • What is Artificial Intelligence, and what are its advantages?

    Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the ability for computers to use algorithms (complex sets of instructions) and large datasets to perform specific tasks and, through many iterations, improve their ability to successfully perform those tasks over time. Machine Learning uses the data created by the AI’s processes to improve. In other words, AI can see its own results, learn from those results, and try to produce better results next time. And repeating a task a few million times allows the AI to get really good at it.

    Distinguishing between Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Narrow Artificial Intelligence is important. AGI is the stuff of science fiction, with computers thinking like humans—it is often the bad guy in sci-fi movies. Narrow AI is the type being adopted by technology-savvy businesses.

    The advantage AI offers is its ability to automate certain business processes and functions that are tedious and repetitive. This increases efficiency and frees up time for employees to handle more important assignments. For example, AIs can create and process invoices automatically, answer basic customer service questions, and make product recommendations.

  • What is the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education?

    Artificial Intelligence in education involves both risks and rewards. Because technology often advances more quickly than policy and regulation can keep up, the risk of unfair implementation arises, meaning that it can be incorporated without a focus on inclusion and equality. Additionally, the data fed to AIs is often personal data and must therefore be respected and protected from intrusions and other risks.

    That said, AI can be an excellent tool for educators seeking the best methods for educational success. Regularly testing of students is increasingly the norm in many countries, and analyzing the information garnered from such tests can reveal the most effective ways to educate students and the areas students should focus more on in the future. The analysis can be part of an overall examination of educational patterns that AI can perform in a way that human beings simply cannot.

Brand Reputation FAQ

  • What is brand reputation?

    Your brand’s reputation is how others feel about your brand—and those others can be anyone from potential or existing customers, partners, vendors, the media, stakeholders, shareholders, and the public at large. Every aspect of your business can have an impact on your brand reputation, including:

    • Your customer service, from your in-store experience to your call center and how easy it is for customers to return products or share feedback on a service.
    • The quality of your goods or services.
    • The professional (and personal) life of any member of your team, especially your CEO, and other key leaders.
    • The causes and nonprofit organizations you support.
    • What your business publishes on social media and web.
    • Content shared publicly about or referencing your company, including unfavorable press and client reviews that may or may not be true.

    Following the COVID-19 pandemic, your brand reputation is more vulnerable than ever. In our increasingly interconnected global society—where a single tweet or social media post can be amplified through a viral hashtag and become front-page news in a matter of hours—companies must understand the importance of maintaining a positive brand reputation.

    It can take years to grow a solid customer base and a trustworthy business reputation—but only moments to watch that reputation crumble. And rebuilding a brand reputation is even more difficult than building it from scratch because you’re trying to dig out from a negative position rather than starting the process from zero.

  • What do reputation management companies do?

    Stated simply, professional reputation management companies focus on creating a favorable online presence that best represents the good will, trust and relationship capital you have offline accurately on the internet. This likely includes publishing and ranking positive news and existing digital assets, while also downplaying the negative search results where required. This is accomplished by applying a keen understanding of the factors that search engines—specifically Google—use to rank the most relevant and high-quality information. Achieving results requires a flexible process for continuous optimization of your brand’s content on search engine results pages (SERPs). Reputation management companies use many strategies, including:

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The ongoing process for raking content on specific keywords that define your business, including your name and goods or services you provide.

    Content development: Content is still king, and it’s essential that you regularly feature quality, relevant content on both websites that you own and in earned media.

    Social media management/monitoring: Even if you aren’t active on every social media channel, it’s crucial that you own your social media profiles to avoid confusion and monitor what others are saying about your business on these platforms.

    Negative results: If there are negative search results about your business, a reputation management firm can help develop strategies that promote positive content for counteracting what is harmful or defamatory

  • How do you protect your brand reputation?

    Your brand reputation is one of the most valuable—if not the most valuable—elements of your business—which is why it’s surprising that so many companies decide to risk their brand reputation, leaving themselves completely vulnerable to crisis.

    The first step to protecting your brand reputation is monitoring what is being said about your company online. The name of the game here is breadth, so we recommend that you monitor at least the following for your company, key employees and primary competitors:

    • Google search results
    • Google news results
    • Google image results
    • Social media results (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc.)
    • Review sites (Google, industry-specific review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, G2Crowd, Avvo etc.)

    There are several viable free and paid tools to help automate some or all of the monitoring process. Even then, the reporting received requires human interaction for understanding the initial input, interpreting results and determining the most appropriate course of action. And how often should you review monitoring results? Crisis communications case studies would suggest daily—to be able to see potential issues brewing before they turned into large problems or heated conversations—but this may not be practical for most busy companies, with research showing that many review quarterly at most.

    Instead, savvy businesses prefer to entrust their most valuable business asset to a professional reputation management firm. A reputation management firm keeps intelligent eyes on the pulse of your online reputation with diligent monitoring, communication and optimization.

  • Can reputation be managed?

    Team members at your company cannot always successfully manage or control what others say about your business—so if there is a negative review, an erroneous Facebook post, or an unflattering blog, you may want to consider a reputation management company with experience in a wide range of situations, including how to effectively contact the author or publishing website to request the removal and deindexing of a particular link. Naturally, there are many considerations that dictate which solutions may be the right fit.

    In some situations, the best way to deal with negative search results is to promote positive results about your business—things like case study blog posts, numerous positive reviews, testimonial-driven social media posts, and other types of media to highlight your success or expertise. Your reputation management firm will work with you to develop a strategy and supporting content to counter the negative and defamatory results. Ensure that the team you engage continuously optimizes the positive content and tweaks the initial plan when results materialize.

  • How do you fix a bad business reputation?

    Fixing a business’ reputation is a multi-step process that you must be willing to tackle with humility and determination.

    The first step is figuring out what went wrong—what was the specific source of the issue? Was this a long-term issue with the slipping quality of your products or an acute problem with an inappropriate or controversial comment by your CEO?

    • Next, publicly acknowledge what happened and what you are doing to fix it. Apologize openly on social media. Use all of the channels available to you—your website, social media, press releases and advertising to amplify the message that you’re making this change.
    • Ensure that, in your statements, you’re putting your customer and their needs first. People’s natural inclination is to wonder, “What’s in it for me” and they will be even more suspicious if you’ve recently stumbled. Ensure that communication is genuine and your focus is in the right place.
    • Follow through on your commitment. Prove to your customers that you’ve fixed the problem and you’re serious about resolving it. For example, if the problem was product quality, reach out with post-purchase quality surveys to document your progress; if the problem was an insensitive public remark by your CEO, highlight positive press and build an educational campaign around a new initiative or social impact.
    • Get in front of the next issue. Open up communication lines with your customers and your employees to identify potential problems before they cascade into crises.

    Fixing a bad business reputation can feel overwhelming. Your dedicated reputation management firm will help guide you through the process of rehabilitating your business reputation.

  • What does brand reputation management mean?

    Brand reputation management is one of the most important and foundational aspects of your business strategy. Chances are, your business is either neglecting it or doing it wrong. If so, it does so at its peril, in terms of both profits and its future.

  • Are Reputation Management Services only Permissible to Brands?

    No, Reputation Management services are not only permissible to brands but also extend to personal reputation. Personal reputation becomes extremely important if one works at high profile field like lawyers. In such cases, Reputation management companies provide services which include brand reputation management as well as personal reputation for lawyers or related fields.

Data Science

  • What is data science?

    Data science is an emerging field of information science that uses algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and other advanced digital tools to examine and extract knowledge and value from enormous sets of both structured and unstructured data, known as Big Data. Structured data is information that is either already organized or can be easily organized, such as information in spreadsheets. Unstructured data is such information as photos, video, and audio that must be organized before it can be analyzed.

    Data science has a wide variety of applications and is used in many fields, from business to medicine to education. For example, NASA uses data science techniques and algorithms to automatically compare stellar photos over time, which helps it discover comets and exoplanets.

  • Why is data science important for business?

    Businesses, even relatively small ones, generate massive amounts of data through their normal daily processes, including customer demographic data, customer interactions, sales information, logistical and shipping information, product information, and internal employee and communication information.

    This data can be recorded and organized, and companies can then mine it for insights not only into their customers but also into the efficiency of their business model and other aspects of the way they function. But analyzing this data and putting it to good use requires expertise to avoid the risk of delving into a large trove of data and drawing incorrect and therefore unhelpful conclusions.

  • How does data science add business value?

    Data science takes an asset you already have—data—and draws insights and information from it that can be used to create optimal and more dynamic business strategies. It can help paint a more accurate picture of both who your customers are and what they want from you. Data science is able to recognize and highlight patterns in data and to separate the information that is important and valuable to your business from the information that can be ignored or cast aside. The technological edge data science provides can give any business an advantage over its competition in a world of increasing reliance on information.

  • Is my business ready for data science?

    Whether your company is ready for data science depends on several factors. Many businesses have collected more information than they realize, so engaging an outside consultant to review their position could be useful for almost any business with plans for the future. If nothing else, having an expert provide a clearer understanding of how and why a business could benefit from data science can facilitate any subsequent strategy decisions that a business must make.

    For a business to be ready to use data science, it must first be aware of the commitment involved in doing so. In many cases, if not most, a data science strategy should be folded into a company’s overall digital transformation because the power and effectiveness of many advanced tech options for business, such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, and the like, are enhanced when used in cooperation with each other. To extract the greatest value and result from data science, a business should apply it in tandem with these other options.

  • How do I get my business ready for data science?

    Any business interested in data science should have an expert examine its current situation in terms of data intake and assets, network and IT infrastructure, current trainable staff (or the potential creation of new positions) that could handle data science issues moving forward, and other such considerations.

    For some businesses, “getting ready” for data science might not be necessary, or at least not in the traditional context of business expansion. Other options are available. For example, hiring an outside firm with extensive expertise in data science and other advanced tech might be easier and more efficient for companies that wish to hit the ground running with respect to putting their data to good use. An objective, outside viewpoint might be better suited for implementation than trying to build a new section of your IT department from scratch. Even if you have employees on staff who could possibly meet the requirements, they may not have the capability or experience to exceed expectations and deliver a leap up the value curve.

  • What is the difference between data science and Big Data?

    Data science and Big Data can overlap substantially, but understanding what distinguishes one from the other is important. The general term Big Data refers to the current explosion of data we are experiencing in the digital age, including the gathering and exploitation of large data sets and the ways that data is recorded and stored.

    Data science is a more specific, academic term that refers to the various techniques used to examine and analyze massive data sets. Data science encompasses issues of statistics and statistical modeling and the way data is organized and categorized. It often focuses on finding patterns, values, and insights in massive data sets.

    To simplify, data science concerns the science of information, whereas Big Data is about the application of data science to information in the real world.

  • Do I need data scientists for my business?

    Your business could most likely benefit from input from data scientists, but this does not mean that you need to hire them directly. Some companies (especially tech-focused businesses and those that have undergone a complete digital transformation) have in-house data analysts and departments focused on data science and Big Data. But hiring an outside expert or consultancy might be more practical and efficient (meaning less expensive).

    A consultancy’s data scientists can assist a business according to its unique needs, such as a specific project, through periodic consultations, or on a continuous basis. An outside data specialist can often provide a clearer, more objective view of a company’s data assets and thereby illuminate blind spots the company might have been unaware of.

  • How can data science affect a business’s growth?

    By applying data science, a business is better able to understand the needs of its customers and its employees. It can identify patterns in customer preferences that it’s never seen before and improve shipping and logistics from top to bottom. As a result, data science allows companies to seize new opportunities for growth and improve their bottom line through straightforward improvements to efficiency.

    Because the volume of data in Big Data is so immensely large, no single human being, or even a team of human beings, can sift through it in a reasonable amount of time. Data science is the key to gaining insights and benefits from all the information a company possesses but is unable to analyze and apply on its own.

  • Is big data necessary for data science?

    Businesses need to be very careful when using the terms “Data Science” and “Big Data.” They are more than just buzzwords companies use to sound up-to-date. Data Science refers to a set of computational and mathematical techniques, and Big Data is the raw material that Data Science uses. And, like all processes, Data Science carries with it both risks and rewards. It can guide your business to greater efficiency and effectiveness in almost every area. It can help you streamline practices, from advertising to inventory. But it can also overwhelm and blind you, trapping you in a “data only” mind-set, which could misguide and halt critical thinking with respect to your business. If you want to use Big Data to help your company grow and succeed, you need a skilled, experienced partner to guide you.

Digital Transformation

  • What is meant by digital transformation?

    Digital transformation is a common buzzword these days, but what does it really mean? When technology has had an impact on every area of a business, that business has experienced a digital transformation. This process includes all of the following:

    • Leadership and employees
    • Business processes and operations
    • Customers and their experience
    • How effectively and efficiently the business runs
    • Interactions with partners and vendors

    At its essence, digital transformation occurs when a company is willing to review itself (or work with an outside partner to perform a review) and determine where it can most effectively use technology to improve the way it functions. When the business deploys that technology in a way that has a positive effect, it experiences a digital transformation.

  • What are the four main areas of digital transformation?

    Digital transformation involves four primary areas: people, processes, customers, and offerings.

    First, a company’s people are at the heart of the business and also at the heart of that business’s digital transformation. Getting buy-in from all stakeholders is vital, from company leadership to front-line employees, so that everyone feels invested in the plan and its success. Technology should be thought about in a way that empowers all a company’s employees to have the information and tools they need to serve customers most effectively.

    Second, optimizing processes is a huge part of digital transformation because optimization supports a business’s people, allowing them to work smarter and focus their time and talents on high-value tasks. Technology that can automate and alleviate repetitive tasks reduces the chance of error and allows employees to shine.

    Third, engaging, delighting, and surprising customers should be a business’s primary focus, and a successful digital transformation will allow that to happen more easily. With the right technology in place, a company can deploy targeted campaigns, test personalized messaging and offers, track results, and optimize future campaigns, constantly improving the customer experience.

    Fourth, a business should continually look at its product or service offerings through the lens of digital transformation. Technology improves rapidly, and innovation happens quickly. So what improvements can a company make to its offerings? To determine this, businesses can be proactive in assessing their offerings, anticipating their customers’ needs and wants, and harnessing the available technology to improve their products or services

  • Is artificial intelligence (AI) part of digital transformation?

    In many situations, artificial intelligence (AI) should be a part of digital transformation. Why? Two words: big data.

    Every day, businesses collect a staggering amount of data—personal data, transaction data, demographic data, behavioral data, and so on. Multiply those bits of data for each person who browses and each person who buys, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and one can easily see how the amount of data produced can quickly become overwhelming. Looking at this customer data as a whole and discerning any kind of meaningful pattern or trend is nearly impossible.

    This is where AI comes in. AI is perfectly suited for analyzing massive amounts of data and identifying patterns and trends within it. Although it might not be able to reveal the why behind a specific pattern—for that, the trusty human brain is needed to draw conclusions—it can pinpoint, for example, the segment of a business’s customer base that is most opportune for growth

  • What are the top three trends of digital transformation?

    Numerous trends have emerged in the realm of digital transformation, from AI and machine learning to multi-cloud architecture. However, we see the following as three of the top trends for the year ahead:

    • The continued democratization of technology: The more people within an organization who can use technology to accomplish their goals—without IT intervention—the more effective and efficient that organization can be. As vendors continue to focus on delivering innovative solutions that enable non-technical users to take advantage of highly complex technology through intuitive, user-friendly, self-service interfaces, employees will be empowered to autonomously make smarter decisions.
    • An upswing in customer data platforms (CDPs): Businesses today collect an incredible amount of data about their customers at a variety of touchpoints—in stores, via call centers, through email, online, and so on—but aggregating all this data into a 360-degree view of the customer has been difficult. This is where CDPs can help. CDPs provide a single source of customer information, allowing business units across an enterprise—from customer service to marketing and sales—to have a holistic, comprehensive view of a specific customer’s every interaction with the company at their fingertips. We expect investments in these platforms to continue to grow.
    • Automation: Savvy businesses are always looking for opportunities to use technology to optimize processes—not only can it help streamline operations, but after the initial investment, it can also reduce costs and enhance productivity. We anticipate that companies will continue implementing technology to automate parts of their operations that will allow employees to focus on higher-value, more important tasks.
  • How is digital transformation changing project management?

    Digital transformation benefits project management in two primary ways. First, the tools being used on a project are continuously updated to be their most efficient and effective. Cloud Computing and online communication mean that location and distance are no longer obstacles for effective remote collaboration, and Big Data allows companies to adjust to their projected needs. Additionally, the application of digital tools and products provides wide-ranging flexibility for dealing with any unexpected roadblocks encountered in development.

    Second, digital transformation reduces, and in some cases, can completely eliminates the risk of project outcomes becoming obsolete in the future. Because the framework is continuously updating, the project can remain consistently at the cutting edge of technology long after it has been launched.

  • How is digital transformation rewriting business models?

    What digital transformation contributes to business models is the capacity for continuous change. Many executives know that they must adapt to new business environments, and adaptation is a core feature of digital transformation. Because a business model that incorporates digital transformation will subsequently be digital “down to the bone,” the company will be able to function much more quickly and efficiently, and improve continuously over time.

    Prior digital changes to a business could involve, for example, updating the company’s software, purchasing new design tools, and improving logistics strategies. Once digital transformation has been implemented, such tasks are performed continuously and automated where possible. The concept is similar to the difference between an encyclopedia and Wikipedia. With an encyclopedia, you have to buy a new edition whenever the previous one becomes outdated, whereas the pages of Wikipedia are continuously, and often instantly, updated as new information becomes available.

  • How is progress measured for digital transformation?

    A business’s digital transformation often involves every level of management and requires the commitment of those in leadership positions from the top down. Typically, a head technology officer such as a CTO or similar will oversee the project and integrate the efforts of all departments as the new way of doing things is implemented. This oversight is necessary because when digital transformation fails, the primary reason is most often uneven implementation or an unwillingness on the part of certain departments to participate.

    Digital transformation is often achieved through the creation of a long-term, multistage plan, with each stage involving tracked goals and benchmarks. Changes to such elements as digital tools, payroll and invoicing systems, network structures, and the like are implemented and tested, and all the departments involved are kept in continuous contact with the internal and/or external people who are enacting the changes. That way, any factor that slows progress can be quickly addressed and problems solved immediately.

  • Why is digital transformation important for the business industry?

    Like the internet was before it, digital transformation is the future. Many businesses, especially those in the technology sector, either have already adopted this business model or were created with it from day one. As a result, companies that ignore or fail to implement digital transformations are putting themselves at risk.

    For the business industry as a whole, digital transformation presents an incredible opportunity to improve efficiency, automate tedious and wasteful processes, and be stronger competitors in their sector. Additionally, digital transformation allows companies to be more agile, capable of adapting to changing business conditions with relative ease.

  • How can digital transformation affect the growth of my business?

    Digital transformation can greatly improve a business’s efficiency, from its hiring practices to logistics and customer service. Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Big Data provides businesses with insights into their customers’ needs and interests. Most importantly, the flexibility that comes with being “digital first” allows any company to quickly and skillfully transition into new functions that cater to what their customers want. This in turn creates spectacular growth opportunities for agile companies.

    Additionally, a digitally transformed business can integrate automation into such departments as billing, payroll, and customer service, meaning that employees can be reassigned to more useful, complex duties that make better use of their talents. Employee satisfaction and productivity rise, while the tedium of certain repetitive tasks is eliminated.

  • How does a business develop a digital transformation strategy?

    A business can develop a digital transformation strategy in-house or using outside expertise. Doing so in-house can give a company greater control over the process. After all, the business knows best what it wants. But recruiting the necessary expertise and training current employees in the digital transformation process can be difficult, which tends to slow down the transformation process.

    For most businesses, hiring an outside consultant is often the best choice and offers the greatest value. An outside consultant is able to more objectively analyze a company’s digital transformation needs, develop an overall strategy for the transformation, and implement the necessary changes, step by step. Additionally, a consultancy that specializes in digital transformation will have the deep expertise needed to ensure that the process is executed correctly the first time.

expert witness

  • Who qualifies as an Expert Witness?

    Not all experts are created equally—and when it comes to expert witnesses, state and federalcourts have specific rules about who can be considered an expert witness.

    In a federal court, the Federal Rules of Evidence deem that a qualified expert witness is someone who “is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or educationmay testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if: the expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue; the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data; the testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods; and the expert has reliably applied the principles and methods to the facts of the case.”

    In layman’s terms, the difference between an expert witness and a non-expert witness comes down to opinion. Expert witnesses are generally asked to give their expert or professional opinion on a situation. In contrast, non-expert witnesses can only testify about facts—what they directly saw or heard—not about their thoughts or opinions.

  • What does it mean to be an Expert Witness?

    Often considered one of the most critical elements of civil and criminal cases, expert witnesses are an integral part of the court system. An expert witness is someone that the court has determined is qualified to provide information and explanation to the jury to understand the case better. And as you may imagine, it takes specialized skills, training, education, and experience to be considered an expert witness.

    At the time of the trial, the expert witness must be qualified by the court, and qualification is not a one-time event; each time the expert witness will be offering his/her opinion on a case, they must be requalified anew, regardless of any expert witness history.

    The expert witness must always remember that their highest obligation is to the court, regardless of which party is paying their fee.

  • What does an Expert Witness provide before the court?

    The expert witness is in the courtroom to provide their independent, expert opinion on the matter at hand. Their top priority is always to provide their truthful, impartial opinion—regardless of if their opinion benefits the party paying their fees. Additionally, the expert witness may be expected to provide a written report for the court attesting to their opinion and findings.

    However, there are also a number of things that expert witnesses are NOT expected to do. Expert witnesses are not in court to advocate or argue for a particular side or a specific outcome for the case, nor are they there to give an opinion on anything outside of their narrow area of expertise. Additionally, expert witnesses are not there to advise what evidence or information should or should not be presented to the jury.

  • How does one become an Expert Witness?

    Under U.S. law, an expert witness is someone whose opinion on a specific matter before a court of law is considered “expert” by the court because of that individual’s education, scholarship, and/or overall experience. Any testimony or evidence given by the expert witness is called an “expert opinion,” is submitted to the case as evidence, and can be rebutted in court by witnesses, conflicting evidence, or other experts.

    Different countries have different standards for who can qualify as an expert witness and what the person can testify about. In the United States, each state has its own laws or guidelines about expert witness testimony in its state and local courts.

    Additionally, while some expert witnesses may testify as an “objective” witness for the court’s and the jury’s benefit, individual parties in a court case can hire or consult with their own experts to prepare reports for the court or to testify, to provide information or argument on a client’s behalf.

  • How does one write an Expert Witness report?

    An expert witness report, whether intended to be submitted directly to a court or used for the benefit of one party in a case, is a written summary of the expert’s examination of and opinion on the case at hand. It typically includes the expert’s qualifications and experience, often with a CV, if applicable, along with a list of cases for which the expert witness has previously testified.

    The report lists all the documents and evidence the expert reviewed in preparing the report, along with an explanation of why the expert witness’s opinion is applicable to the case. The expert outlines the development, analysis, and justification of their opinion of the case. The report typically ends with the expert’s opinion on the matters of judgment and damages, if applicable.

    Ultimately, the report is either used by legal counsel to form arguments for their client or submitted to the court as evidence.

  • How much do expert witnesses get paid?

    Compensation for expert witnesses varies widely, depending on the nature of their contribution to a case, the amount of time and effort involved, and various other factors. Expert witnesses are typically compensated on an hourly basis but are sometimes paid an overall fee instead if the work is performed on a “per project” basis. Expert witnesses might also be compensated for research time, costs, and other expenses involved in providing their opinion.

    For example, an expert witness might be paid $400 per hour for research and testimony, in addition to having their travel and lodging expenses reimbursed. Or they might be paid a lump sum of $10,000 for all work involved in the development of their expert opinion on a specific case. Again, costs can vary widely and depend on individual circumstances.

  • Who can be an expert witness?

    Technically speaking, anyone can become an expert witness as long as their qualifications as such are accepted by a court. By recognizing someone as an expert witness, a judge essentially makes them an expert witness.

    In practice, a person can be an expert witness only if they have significant knowledge and experience in a specific field, whether through scholarship and study, a lengthy professional career, or similar circumstances.

  • How does one become a certified expert witness?

    To become an expert witness, an individual must present their credentials as an expert witness to the court, and the presiding judge must recognize them as an expert witness. An expert witness must be re-qualified every time they are to be presented as such in a court of law.

  • What restrictions are placed on expert witnesses?

    Specific restrictions are placed on what an expert witness can and cannot testify to. Expert witnesses are permitted to give their opinions only on matters for which they are deemed qualified as having expertise. This distinction is very important in circumscribing what is often heavily weighted testimony.

    Expert witnesses are a specific exception to the “hearsay rule.” Traditional witnesses can testify only to what they know and have experienced and are not permitted to speculate about hypotheticals or report third-party testimony. Expert witnesses, however, may discuss hypotheticals and other “hearsay” matters, as long as those matters are within the purview of their expertise. For example, an expert witness who is a surgeon can discuss hypotheticals within a medical malpractice case, including background and contextual information, as long as their testimony does not extend beyond that subject.

    That said, expert witnesses must take an oath to testify truthfully and obey all court rules and procedures, such as respecting the “chain of custody” when handling and examining evidence.

  • What skills are required by an expert witness?

    In addition to qualifications to substantiate their opinions, expert witnesses need several different skills to be effective. Expert witnesses must be able to clearly and concisely present to a court issues that are often complex and difficult for a layperson to understand. Any expert witness who wishes to maintain their credibility must also be able to speak truth to power, providing their honest, good-faith opinion on the matters before them, even if the person or law firm that hired them would prefer a different conclusion.

    Additionally, the ability to testify in court with confidence and to answer difficult or loaded questions from opposing counsel on cross-examination are valuable skills for any witness, but especially for an expert witness. The expert’s opinion often carries a great deal of weight in complicated legal proceedings, and that responsibility must be taken seriously.

  • What qualifies a person to be an expert witness?

    Typically, an expert witness is someone whose level of scholarship, knowledge, or professional experience in a specific or specialized field allows them to provide testimony—their “expert opinion”—before a court of law on the evidence or circumstances of a criminal or civil case. A court must recognize this person as a qualified “expert witness” before they can testify as such.

    Less formally, an expert witness’s qualifications will usually include previous experience as an expert witness, the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly, and the capacity to justify their expert opinion in the circumstances and evidence of the case in combination with their own experience in their specialized field.

  • Can I sue an expert witness?

    Expert witnesses can be sued only under very specific circumstances. Traditionally, witnesses brought before a court are immune from liability, even if they make a mistake in their testimony. This is to prevent witnesses from being discouraged from testifying by the threat of a lawsuit from the opposing party. That said, expert witnesses who knowingly present false information under oath are subject to charges of perjury, just like any other witness testifying in court.

    Additionally, recent court rulings have allowed suits to be brought against expert witnesses who are negligent or fraudulent in their professional duties. A lawsuit against an expert witness is typically undertaken only when that witness commits a provable act of malpractice or other fraud. Indeed, some law firms have sued their own expert witnesses for breach of contract after discovering that the witnesses were lying or presenting fraudulent evidence to the court. Expert witnesses cannot be sued simply for giving evidence or forming an expert opinion that the opposing party disagrees with. The expert opinion might be challenged in cross-examination, however, or be rebutted with evidence or additional expert witness testimony.

  • Can a police officer be an expert witness?

    Police officers can be called as expert witnesses to testify either strictly on matters of law enforcement or on other police-related matters where the court recognizes their expertise. They are not permitted to testify about legal matters or the minutiae of the law (that is the purview of lawyers). Although law enforcement officers can form conclusions based on evidence presented in a case in their “expert opinion,” they cannot make statements as to a defendant’s guilt or innocence, given a defendant’s right to a fair trial. Police officers acting as expert witnesses will often testify on police procedure, rules of arrest, or correct steps for gathering evidence.

    Additionally, even police officers who are not recognized as expert witnesses by a court can testify to certain things because of their training and experience. Traffic police, for example, are often extensively trained to accurately recognize the speed of a moving vehicle, usually within a few miles per hour, without the use of equipment such as a radar gun, and courts will generally recognize that estimation as evidence, depending on the circumstances.

  • What do you mean by expert witness?

    When a dispute or charge comes before a court, that court has a duty to weigh the evidence presented so it can come to a fair decision. Yet justice can be served, only when the parties weighing the evidence have a sound understanding of it. Often, the subject matter of a case falls far outside the realm of common knowledge, and an expert is needed to assist the court in fully understanding the key information involved.

    In most such circumstances, an expert is charged with providing unbiased analysis and opinion, from their perspective as a qualified specialist, that illuminate the facts of the case. Once an expert’s opinions and reports have been presented to the court, they are typically treated as evidence—and can therefore have considerable influence over the outcome of the case.

Mastering Ecommerce

  • What do you mean by e-commerce?

    Stated simply, e-commerce is the sale of goods or services online. The word “e-commerce” makes many people automatically think of an online store such as Amazon—and they would be correct. Amazon is an iconic example of an e-commerce site, but plenty of other examples exist as well.

  • What are the three types of e-commerce?

    Acronyms are often used to refer to the three different types of e-commerce. The first is B2C, which stands for Business to Consumer. B2C e-commerce is when businesses sell products directly to consumers. This is the type of e-commerce many people are most familiar with (e.g., Amazon).

    The second type is B2B, or Business to Business. B2B e-commerce involves companies selling directly to other companies. For example, Medline sells medical supplies to long-term care centers, physicians’ offices, and other businesses in the medical industry.

    The third is C2C, or Consumer to Consumer. In C2C e-commerce, consumers sell products or services directly to other consumers. eBay is probably the best-known example of a C2C e-commerce site.

  • What are some examples of e-commerce sites?

    Countless e-commerce sites exist. Chances are that if someone is seeking a particular item or service, there is an e-commerce site that offers it! Here are just a few examples:

    SplendidBeast.com (B2C): Provides customized, hand-painted pet portraits that depict customers’ furry friends as aristocrats or monarchs.

    Fluevog.com (B2C): Sells artfully designed and eco-friendly footwear crafted by Canadian shoe designer John Fluevog.

    Grainger.com (B2B): Provides industrial supplies and equipment for businesses in various trades.

    Chocomize.com (B2B): Specializes in customized chocolate candy gifts and promotions for corporations and businesses. Customers can search by product, occasion, and budget.

    eBay.com (C2C): Allows individuals to buy or sell practically anything to anyone. This global e-commerce platform is considered the granddaddy of all C2C websites.

    Uber.com (C2C): Connects people who are seeking transportation to a specific destination via automobile with people who want to earn money providing others with such rides.

  • Is Instagram considered an e-commerce site?

    Instagram is a photo and video social networking service that millions of people use to share and engage with visual content and learn about new products. In fact, Instagram’s research shows that 70% of shoppers see the platform as a place to find new products. And Instagram Shopping offers businesses a way to highlight their goods and get them in front of potential customers.

    Instagram users are able to learn more about a company’s products within the app. If they like what they see, they can even purchase the desired items via the Instagram app or click through a link to complete their purchase on the provider’s website.

  • What is the future of e-commerce?

    The future of e-commerce is bright, indeed.

    We anticipate that brands will continue to push the boundaries of personalization in an effort to engage with customers and provide them with experiences that indicate that they are truly paying attention to the customer’s wants, needs, and preferences.

    We also predict an increase in the number of brands offering hybrid e-commerce approaches, such as those that enable customers to order products online, then pick them up at a local brick-and-mortar location. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that people like the option of purchasing things online and having their order fulfilled locally. This allows them to avoid shipping time and costs while still being able to enjoy all the conveniences of online shopping and ordering.

    We’re keeping an eye on video e-commerce, with Instagram and other companies actively building e-commerce functionality into their video platform offerings. With the rise of TikTok and other video platforms, e-commerce monetization can’t be far behind.

  • How do I manage my e-commerce website ?

    The specific mechanics of managing an e-commerce website depend on which platform is used as the provider, but the basics of creating and running a successful e-commerce website remain the same:

    1. Identify the necessary help (e.g., hosting, marketing assistance, web designers)
    2. Determine the product catalog
    3. Define the target market
    4. Create a secure, user-friendly site
    5. Pinpoint outreach channels and launch marketing/public relations
    6. Review data and optimize efforts

    Of all these steps, perhaps the most important one is the first—identifying the necessary help. Finding and retaining good partners who can be trusted to help in making strategic, informed decisions is essential for the success of an e-commerce website and business. The right partners can make the difference between an ordinary e-commerce site and an extraordinary one, so the proper time, effort, and research should be invested into choosing them wisely.

Personal Reputation FAQ

  • What is personal reputation management?

    Put simply, personal reputation management is taking control of what people find when they search for you online. Personal reputation management aims to suppress or remove permanently any negative or irrelevant search results while simultaneously boosting and increasing the number of positive, relevant results.

    Personal Reputation Management Companies—like us here at Blue Ocean Global Technology—focus on helping individuals manage their online reputation. We educate you on your options and help you build, monitor, protect and repair a digital presence that favorably represents who you are. To learn more about how we can help you, share your contact information here.

  • What is a bad reputation?

    Many things can cause a “bad” online reputation. Any search result that links to embarrassing or negative stories about you could certainly be considered bad—for example, a link that leads to an article mentioning your arrest, a news story that details your nasty divorce and custody battle, or a link to an unflattering video clip could all be considered part of a “bad” reputation.

    But negative, embarrassing results aren’t the only things that can damage your personal reputation. Misleading or erroneous results can also be problematic. For example, imagine if someone who shares the same name as you authors a white supremacy blog or regularly tweets racist language—people searching for you may choose not to do business with you based on their findings.

    Another way you can have a bad reputation is by having no reputation at all. If your name returns no (or few) relevant search results, this may cause concern and psychological noise—especially in internet-forward industries where a robust online presence is considered the “norm.”

    Thankfully, a “bad” online reputation doesn’t have to be permanent. Personal online reputation management companies like Blue Ocean Global Technology specialize in fixing bad online reputations.

  • How can I improve my personal online reputation?

    Your online reputation is how all people, including clients, prospects, partners, investors and those surfing the internet, perceive you or your business. There are many things that you can do to improve your personal online reputation. The first step is to perform an audit of your current online reputation. This audit provides a baseline or snapshot of your online reputation, helping you determine your next steps.

    If you’re like many people, an online search for you leads to a combination of positive, irrelevant, and negative search results. In essence, to improve your personal online reputation, you want to increase the number of positive results that populate (and rank) on search engines, create high domain authority links, push negative results down, and clear up any confusing or irrelevant results.

    Channels that you own—like your website and blog—give you the most control over your personal reputation and personal brand. And platforms that you use, like LinkedIn and Facebook, also allow you to craft your online reputation in a way that most accurately reflects you.

    But don’t forget about the power of earned media. You don’t have control over these sites, but the more positive information you have there the better your reputation. A newspaper website that quotes you as an expert, a review site that positively mentions you and your business, or an industry website that publishes an article with your byline are all places that can positively impact your online reputation.

    Our team will audit your online reputation and provide you a customized personal reputation management check-list. Reach out to us in confidence for your digital marketing or reputation consultation.

  • How do I clean up my online reputation?

    Cleaning up your online reputation is possible, but it’s something that doesn’t happen overnight. As we’ve mentioned, the first step is to perform an audit of your online reputation to understand the specific search results that are positive, negative, and irrelevant. After you understand where you stand, it’s a matter of improving and increasing the number of positive results so that any negative results are less relevant, as well as dealing with any irrelevant results.

    What if you find “bad” or irrelevant results? Many people erroneously believe that the best approach is to contact the offending website and ask them to remove the result; however, this rarely works and can even inflame the situation. One strategy that may yield results is to optimize any owned or earned media channels featuring positive content. Many individuals and businesses choose to work with a personal reputation management firm like Blue Ocean Global Technology to monitor and optimize their online reputation.

  • Can you repair your reputation online?

    The short answer is yes. The longer answer is also yes, but it’s worth noting that it can take time—and it’s never truly finished. Why does one search result appear above another? Search engine algorithms are highly confidential, so understanding how to impact search results is a combination of experience, knowledge and educated guesses. Everything from how old a domain is to its technical SEO and information quality are all taken into consideration when determining the placement of a specific result. You’ll want to keep these and other factors in mind as you’re determining the best strategy for fixing your online reputation.

    If this sounds tedious and complicated, you’re right—it is. But you don’t have to repair your online reputation on your own. The best personal reputation management companies—like Blue Ocean Global Technology—help identify and resolve personal reputation issues, providing you with ongoing monitoring to identify potential reputation problems before they blossom into big issues. Get in touch with us for more information.

  • How do I find out my online reputation?

    It’s always a smart idea to monitor your online reputation. Your first step is to perform a search yourself—searching for your name in Google and other search engines. Your name will have an impact on the kind of search you perform—if you have a common name that is likely shared by many people (e.g. Michael Smith) you’ll want to include in your search additional terms that someone is likely to use to specifically find you, like your company name or city. If your name is more unusual, the search results returned for your name are more likely to be accurate and specific to you.

    Remember too that Google and other search engines use your personal search history to determine your search results—which means that the search results that you see for your name may be different than the search results that appear for others—and even searches performed in incognito mode or while you’re signed out may still be impacted. Consider performing searches for yourself via several different search engines and devices to receive a better, more comprehensive view of your true online reputation.

  • Why is Reputation Management for individuals important?

    There are a number of reasons why personal online reputation management is necessary today. If you’re like most of us, you may Google the name of a potential boss, a prospective employee, or even a potential date—it’s human nature to be curious about the unknown, including people who are new to us. And whether you’re looking for a new job, are in a high-level, public-facing leadership position within a company, or simply want to see how others may view you, your personal reputation matters.

    Your online reputation can have an impact on nearly every aspect of your life, so you must have a clear understanding of where you stand.

  • Why do you need Personal Reputation Management?

    Great question. If you’re a hermit living in a cave or are otherwise “off the grid”, your online reputation (or lack thereof) will likely not impact your life—and you don’t need personal reputation management. But if you’re like the rest of us—living and working in this increasingly connected world—you can benefit from personal reputation management.

    Remember the saying about never having a second chance to make a first impression? Today, your online presence IS your first impression. Optimizing your online reputation through personal reputation management allows you to put your best foot forward, showing the world the aspects of your professional (and potentially personal) life that creates the positive impression you seek to offer.

  • What does personal reputation management mean?

    These days, Googling the name of a potential employee or new acquaintance is practically second nature; we’ve all done it. But when was the last time you performed a Google search on your own name? If you’re like many people, you maybe did it once but then haven’t given it a second thought since. This is one of those situations, however, where what you don’t know can hurt you.

    The reality is that people are looking you up online and making decisions based on what they find. If the search results—which essentially form your online reputation—accurately reflect you and your personal brand, you’re in good shape. But if those results are negative or nonexistent, this can have a detrimental impact on your professional life.

Personal Reputation for Lawyers

  • Why online reputation for Lawyers is important?

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  • How can my online presence affect my career?

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  • Is Social Media is a part of my professional online presence?

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  • How to get rid of fake reviews on my profile

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Public Relation

  • What are the main objectives of public relations?

    Public relations has four main objectives: creating brand awareness, building credibility in the public eye, maintaining positive relationships, and influencing attitudes toward a brand. Strategies to efficiently and effectively achieve these objectives rely on good communication practices and the right communication channels. Once achieved, these objectives go a long way toward maintaining a competitive edge and a stellar reputation in the industry.

  • What are the 4 P’s of public relations?

    The 4 P’s of public relations are publicity, public perception, promotion, and persuasion. These four elements are closely tied to the practice of public relations. They create an approach that helps campaigns run seamlessly and elevate their effectiveness.

    Publicity is about communicating messages to the public, which helps increase brand recognition and awareness. What follows is public perception, how people view your brand image, and what they think about it. Based on their perception and your brand’s reputation, promotion helps elevate this image and build on brand awareness to reach new audiences. Persuasion, one of the most crucial factors, is implemented within the communication process. This determines how the audience perceives your message and how they will respond to it.

  • Why do you need a public relations strategy?

    Effective strategies are essential for any successful business. Public relations strategy, when implemented correctly, can produce benefits for the sustainability of your business. This includes, but is not limited to, credibility for your brand in the public perception, a strong influence on customers’ purchasing decisions. Your products and services will be preferred when your business has a strong presence and good reputation. This ultimately leads to opportunities for growth, expansion, and an increase in profits.

  • How does public relations differ from advertising?

    Advertising differs from public relations in a variety of aspects. The first is the strategy behind the two. While advertising’s end goal is to generate more revenue for a business, public relations seeks brand awareness and reputable perception. The two focus on influencing customers’ purchasing decisions, but they have two different strategies and timelines to achieve that. For public relations, success is determined by the credibility its strategy has built over a long period, gaining the trust of the target audience. On the other hand, success in advertising is determined by gaining exposure and generating sales.

  • What does public relations focus on?

    Public relations focuses on the relationship of your brand with stakeholders. It aims to engage, influence, and maintain a positive reputation in the public eye. This may entail anticipating public opinions and attitudes to any issues that may arise in the status quo. Public relations focuses on communication and its effective practices in the messages conveyed to target markets. This includes managing the course of action, dealing with crisis communications, and analyzing potential ramifications with the brand’s credibility and reputation in the center.

SEo Faq

  • What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how does it work?

    SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process by which an entity (e.g., a website, person, business, or institution) engages in specific practices to change or improve its ranking on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) of internet search engines. The most common search engines targeted for SEO are Google, Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo. SEO methods are customized for each search engine and the needs of individual parties.

    There are ethical ways of performing SEO that stay within the bounds and rules of search engines, such as developing high-quality content associated with a person or business that achieves high rankings through its own merits. By contrast, “black hat” SEO techniques use less ethical means of improving search rankings, such as fake websites, manipulative website information, keyword bombing, and other tactics that search engines will punish with low rankings if detected.

  • How does SEO work, step by step?

    The specific needs of each client dictate the ways in which SEO techniques are employed, but certain steps apply in most cases.

    First, an SEO audit is conducted. This in-depth review will allow a company or an outside SEO consultant to inventory and explore a company’s current SEO standings with the major search engines. This will reveal areas where the company can easily improve, and where more work will be needed to improve its standing on search engine results pages. These tasks often involve keyword analysis, website management and organization, and other SEO improvement basics.

    Second, multiple techniques are employed to remove or push down negative content or to replace it with positive content that ranks higher in search results. For removal, methods include contacting the hosting website or provider of the negative content and asking for the content to be updated or deleted. For positive content, strategies include publishing high-quality content that can backlink to the original site; connecting real, authentic social media accounts; and optimizing the person’s or business’s website to be search engine friendly. Search engine rankings can be addressed correctly in many different ways.

    Finally, the slow progress of improving rankings is continuously monitored over long periods of time—usually months, and sometimes years. Because of the viral nature of the internet, negative content can emerge seemingly out of nowhere, as the result of someone sharing news on a popular social media account.

  • What are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools?

    SEO tools are programs, software, and other applications that can be used to make websites search-engine friendly, increase the visibility of content, and generally improve a site’s ranking on Google, Bing, or another major search engine. Many of these tools can be used for optimization to ensure, for example, that Google’s web crawlers not only see a site but also recognize that it is filled with high-quality, well-made content.

    Monitoring tools such as Google Alerts help you keep up with newly published content that includes specific keywords. As a result, you can react quickly to breaking news or information that could help or harm your search engine rankings.

    Some SEO devices are as simple as a grammar and spellcheck tools for articles and webpages. Many search engines will include the quality of content as a factor in their rankings, with “quality” including elements such as proper grammar, correct spelling, good formatting, and other small factors that contribute positively to a site overall.

  • How many types of SEO are there?

    SEO types can be divided into a few general categories, which can overlap to varying degrees. “White hat” SEO involves optimization techniques that are approved by a search engine’s guidelines. “Black hat” SEO uses manipulative techniques and rule loopholes that are often ethically questionable to force higher rankings on SERPs. Search engines are becoming better and better at rewarding white hat SEO and recognizing and punishing black hat SEO, which typically works only over a very short term. Akin to black hat SEO, “negative” SEO seeks to lower competitors’ Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rankings, letting other website properties take the place of previously highly ranked pages.

    “On-page” SEO seeks to directly optimize a website or page to improve its recognition and rankings, while “off-page” SEO uses tactics such as backlinks, social media sharing, and other indirect networking to improve another site’s rankings. “Technical” SEO is similar to optimization, except that it appeals directly to a search engine’s web crawlers. Technical SEO often involves overhauls to a site’s structure and data so that the site can be easily read by a search engine, which therefore improves its ranking.

  • What are the best SEO strategies?

    The best SEO strategies are customized to the needs of the individual or business looking to improve their Search Engine Results Page (SERP) rankings. For example, a business with little to no social media presence can create authentic accounts on multiple social media sites that publish good, interesting content, boosting the business’s online visibility, which in turn leads to better search rankings. A company might issue press releases or other content itself, while an individual might have to employ other techniques (e.g., interviews, social media efforts, creating their own website) to boost their search results.

    Continuous effort must be put into any SEO strategy for it to be effective, thanks to the ever-changing nature of both search engine algorithms and the internet itself. The best and most effective SEO strategies are often long term, varied, and relentless. Therefore, beware of any consultant who promises quick jumps in SEO rankings. Such consultants often use unethical techniques that work only in the short term, and the type of SEO they employ is often punished by search engines, which only makes things worse for the client in the long run. The client sees their rankings eventually plummet, and they will have fewer options for improvement in the future because they are now on the search engines’ radar.

  • How many SEO keywords should I use?

    The number of SEO keywords you should use depends on your goals and resources available. But the key is not really the number of keywords used but how they are used. Keywords should be included based on each individual piece of content on a site rather than throughout a website as a whole. Search engines associate this approach with higher-quality content and therefore consider it more valuable when ranking.

    Additionally, each piece of content should be unique with differentiated keywords. Publishing the same information with only slight variations and the same keywords won’t have much of an effect on rankings. Keywords need to be highly specific to the content being created. For example, just having “SEO” as a keyword in a piece of content dooms it to drown in an ocean of other articles about SEO. Be precise with your keywords, and search for them on Google beforehand to find combinations that will not produce an overwhelming amount of competition.

Online Reputation

  • What is online reputation management?

    Online reputations are everything. Whether we like it or not, our personal and professional lives are impacted by the internet. When you google your company or yourself, are the results reflective of what you want your clients, partners, friends, and family to see? A stellar digital presence creates opportunities. Conversely, inaccurate or defamatory information erodes trust and compromises relationships. There are 5.5 billion searches made every day. Regretfully, social media empowers anyone to say anything at any time, so it is imperative that you protect the integrity of your online reputation.

  • How can I monitor my reputation online?

    Monitoring Your Online Reputation Is Priority. We provide a proactive approach to reputation monitoring. Our experts will track what others are saying about you and your brand. Our reputation professionals will act as your eyes and ears on the internet. We work with your team to establish a first response process and escalation protocol.

    Monitoring what people are saying about you and your business might seem arduous or even impossible. We have proven experience monitoring the web, including newswires, social media, and review platforms. Our tools provide you with custom solutions that track conversations across the relevant online channels affecting your brand. With these capabilities, we will review changes to your online reputation, communicate status progress, and adjust your reputation strategy accordingly.

  • How does a company build a strong online reputation?

    Today, your opportunity set increasingly depends on your digital presence. A strong online reputation is critical for marketing and growth. An agile public relations strategy that includes positive online content and glowing public reviews creates a natural defense against defamatory content posted in the future. An effective online reputation management (ORM) strategy protects your personal identity and company brand from having negative information appear on search results. A memorable first impression creates opportunities and a lasting perception.

    Producing accurate, strong, and positive content builds a resilient digital reputation. Optimizing your content will help mitigate reputational damage from negative attacks. If unfavorable content appears in the future and harms your reputation, strong digital assets will help reinforce the positive perception of your brand. Blue Ocean Global Technology’s knowledgeable ORM team will build a positive reputation for your business for all who search for your business online—clients, future employees, or prospective partners.

    As ORM services leaders, we ensure that your brand reputation is accurately represented and protected online. We develop a sustainable plan that employs proven methods to safeguard your brand’s reputation. Your digital profile on the internet is our priority.

Website Development

  • What is Website Development?

    We design, develop, engineer, and maintain customized websites featuring a responsive design for businesses across industry and geography. Clients engage with us directly, and we partner to serve digital-marketing and public-relations service providers. When we design a new website, we adhere to our proven development process. Final website productions are custom-tailored to your business and your goals, and help increase brand engagement.

Website Maintenance

  • What is Website Maintenance?

    Consumers value interacting with businesses and service providers with a positive online reputation and website experience. Professional security, content and technical maintenance will ensure that you receive the best value and impact from your website.

Google My Business

  • Why is google business profile Management important?

    It helps increase your business’s visibility, engagement, and reputation in local searches.

  • Can you manage reviews for me?

    Yes, We monitor and respond to reviews to maintain your reputation and foster customer trust.

  • How quickly can I see results?

    Results may vary, but most clients notice improvements within the first month of service.

  • What do I need to provide to get started?

    Basic business information, photos, and login credentials for your current Google account.

Digital Crisis Management

  • What is digital crisis management?

    If the past few years in business have shown us anything, it is that a crisis can come from almost anywhere and, more dangerously, can be created out of almost nothing. The speed at which information travels on the Internet means that the veracity of a crisis is almost immaterial. As life under COVID-19 has made absolutely clear for businesses, a controversy can be based on an actual problem or can simply be the result of a mistake or misunderstanding. In some cases, the issue may be a complete fiction, made up out of whole cloth. But in this moment, the public is looking for companies to do right by their employees and customers. And opinion-makers on the Internet are often hungry for controversy. Often mercurial, when they decide something about a person or a company, they often do so unpredictably, driven by emotion rather than factual circumstances. And these decisions are made so quickly that companies have almost no hope of addressing them in a timely manner.

    A narrative amplified on the Internet, legitimate or not, can quickly become set in stone. Businesses are operating in an incredibly risky time, when a hard-won reputation can be lost overnight, and a bad or, even worse, slow response to a crisis can mean things get out of hand very quickly.

    In 2020, companies have stumbled into crises of their own making, in particular, the multitude of firms that reacted poorly to the complications triggered by the coronavirus epidemic.

Intellectual Property

  • What are the different types of intellectual property?

    Intellectual property mostly includes patents (for inventions), trademarks (for brand names and logos), copyrights (for literary and artistic works), trade secrets (for confidential business information), and design rights (for the visual design of objects). However, geographical indications, plant varieties, industrial designs, and semiconductor integrated circuit layout designs also fall under intellectual property for technical industries. 

  • How can i protect my intellectual property?

    Registering your intellectual property with the appropriate governmental body is the primary step in securing your intellectual assets. For example, patents and trademarks are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), while copyrights are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Outside the U.S., international governments maintain similar agencies. In India, for example, companies register IPR through applications to the Indian Patent Office.

  • Why is intellectual property important for businesses?

    Intellectual property is crucial for businesses because it protects creative assets in the forms of innovation and development. Whether you are an individual in the process of building your personal brand or an organization looking to secure its brand image, IPR safeguards your most valuable assets: your own ideas and creations. Having intellectual property rights can provide a competitive edge, help in brand building, and generate a significant source of revenue through licensing or sales. It also promotes the export of products through licensing and patents.

  • What should i do if someone infringes on my intellectual property?

    Infringement basically means someone stealing your work without your permission or giving you due credit. In such a scenario, your brand’s reputation and image are at stake, and it becomes a highly demotivating juncture for an individual developing their personal brand. Thus, if you believe your intellectual property has been infringed, first gather evidence of the infringement and consult with an IP attorney. Legal actions can include sending a cease-and-desist letter, filing a lawsuit, or seeking a settlement. This is where having professional expert insights on IPR helps you navigate the scenario further and make your case stronger.

  • What is the general duration of looking at intellectual property protection?

    Intellectual property protection requires meticulous tracking, monitoring, assessing, and evaluating potential risks to your asset. The duration of intellectual property protection varies depending on the nation or state in which you have registered your product, service, or design. In the U.S., patents typically last 20 years from the filing date, but trademarks can last indefinitely as long as they are in use and renewed, and copyrights usually last for the life of the author plus 70 years.

  • What can I patent?

    While you cannot patent intellectual property as a whole, you can patent some processes that meet the criteria of usefulness and/or novelty. You cannot patent an idea, yet you can always patent inventions. You can get exclusive rights to your inventions for a certain period, and your invention can be patented if:

    1. It can be used (the invention works and it is not just a theory).
    2. It has a clear description of how the invention can be made and used.
    3. It is new (something that has never been done before).
    4. It is not obvious. 

    For intellectual property, you can instead get a copyright, as they protect creativity and expression. Yet, unfortunately, there has not been an effective way to ‘patent’ certain intellectual property.

  • When is an invention considered useful?

    An invention is considered useful if it has practical application and works in a way that can benefit people. Design patents and plant patents do not have to meet this requirement.

  • What is a trade secret?

    Trade secrets are intellectual property rights on confidential information.

    Unlike patents, they do not require a registration to fall under protection. A trade secret can be kept for an unlimited period of protection and continues to be considered so for the length of time that an owner of such information keeps it classified as a secret.

    The owner of information should protect it using an NDA with employees and business partners, non-compete agreements with employees, contractors, and consultants, sound IT security systems, and controlling the number of people with access to confidential documents.

  • Can someone else use the name of my business for their business?

    The answer is: that it depends. Someone else can use the name of your business if both are not located in the same area and serve different types of services and customers. This way, customers would not assume they are correlated.

  • How can my intellectual property be protected internationally?

    The rights given to intellectual property in the United States are effective only in the United States. They do not have any effect in a foreign country, and in case you want to protect your invention in another country, you should apply for it in the particular area according to the national intellectual property laws. Unless that specific country has signed international agreements, you can make only one application through the World Intellectual Property Organization.


  • What are some conventional services offered by marketing consultants?

    Marketing consultants typically offer a range of services including identifying target audiences, creating customized marketing campaigns, executing them, measuring their effectiveness, and establishing sustainable customer connections. Digital marketing consultancy services may include public relations management, website development and management, search engine optimization (SEO), online reputation management, and digital and personal branding. Whether you are building a personal brand or growing your business, marketing services can help you achieve your goals.

  • How can marketing consulting revamp or boost my company's brand awareness?

    Marketing consulting can enhance your brand awareness by crafting customized strategies aligned with your brand’s vision and mission. This includes telling your brand story, creating compelling campaigns, and identifying and targeting your audience. An effective marketing strategy also focuses on building social proof through testimonials, enhancing customer trust, and increasing brand visibility. Consistency in product and service quality is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge in the market. Effective brand awareness strategies not only retain existing customers but also attract new ones, fostering sustainable growth through strategic marketing efforts.

  • How does search engine optimization (SEO) help in increasing brand visibility?

    SEO enhances brand visibility and awareness by aiming to rank your brand’s content higher on SERPs. The higher the rank in search engines, the more visibility when people look up keywords relevant to your brand. SEO uses keyword optimization, link building, and on-page elements to increase organic traffic to your website.

  • How soon can i see significant results from digital marketing consulting services?

    It depends on several factors, including the chosen platforms, specific goals, and target audiences. Generally, it takes several months to notice a substantial change in traffic and engagement, as optimizing campaigns for maximum return on investment (ROI) requires time.

    However, a collaborative and transparent approach can expedite the process. Regular insights into website analytics, key performance indicators, customer relationship management tracking, and online reputation monitoring can help identify and address any lags efficiently.

  • How can marketing consultants customize their strategies to fit my specific industry or business niche?

    Marketing strategies aim to help clients understand their customers, create and execute targeted campaigns, and facilitate smooth communication with customers. Marketing consultants build strategies that align with your brand values and voice to optimize your brand’s performance. Customizing strategies for a specific industry or niche involves targeting specific market segments and crafting messages that resonate with your audience, catering to their unique needs.

    This focused strategy may include product or service positioning, profitability analysis, evolving distinctive competencies, targeting small market segments, and building a brand reputation based on long-term customer loyalty. A consultant can help you navigate niche markets and develop the best strategy considering your assets and liabilities, giving you an edge over competitors in the industry.

  • How can I engage clients through marketing?

    Engaging clients through marketing involves the use of personalized and targeted approaches that address specific pain points and needs. This can come in the form of advertisements, marketing campaigns, and social media management to engage the target market effectively. To maximize the potential of a good brand, a solid marketing strategy, and creative campaigns will go a long way for both big and small businesses.

  • What social media platforms should I use?

    Social media presence is extremely helpful for any kind of business. However, each company has needs and specific business operations. Since there are many options for social media platforms, you can start by setting a target audience and business goals when deciding which platforms to utilize. If your brand focuses more on written content, more platforms like blogs and forums will be a positive asset for marketing strategies. On the other hand, if you tend to emphasize more on audiovisual content, video and image-sharing platforms might do better for your business’s marketing.

  • How do I create a digital marketing strategy?

    An efficient digital marketing strategy can be created by firstly mapping out a strategy and defining your target audience. Next, you should begin to build your content strategy and choose the appropriate social media platforms to maximize engagement. You also need to establish key performance indicators and set benchmarks to keep track of what you want to achieve. Lastly, analyze the strategy and make adjustments where improvements are needed.

  • What are traditional and contemporary marketing strategies?

    Traditional marketing strategies include market research, advertising, sales promotions, and public relations. These methods are foundational to building a brand and understanding the market landscape. Contemporary marketing strategies focus on digital techniques like search engine optimization (SEO), digital brand development, website development, and social media engagement. These strategies leverage modern technologies to reach broader audiences and drive brand visibility online.

  • How to engage with my audience on social media?

    After choosing the right platform for your target audience, there are ways to improve engagement. Boost your engagement numbers by frequently creating compelling content with emotional headlines, strategic images, and hashtags. Creating pools, interacting with your audience, replying to comments, and having giveaways are other ways to increase engagement. The best way to make the best use of social media is to consider the people who consume your content and their preferences. Ensure your message resonates with your target audience for the best outcome.

Risk Management

  • What are the 5Ws of risk management?

    The first two Ws in risk management are “Who and Where do we go?” which means finding a reliable partner to objectively address concerns for threats. This stage is all about gathering information about threats, their probability, and their impact. The third, “What should we do?” is the stage for developing a strategy after the threats have been identified. Creating a plan of action to address and mitigate these risks is crucial to start motion to stay ahead of the curve. 

    Fourthly, “When should we do this?” refers to the right timing for you to start addressing risks. Staying ahead and being early is ideal, but risk management should be a continuous process. Threats may arise at any unpredictable time and with every decision you make. The last W, “Why are we doing this?” circles back to the reason behind the mitigation strategy. Every person has a different reason to mitigate risk, and this allows you to clearly outline objectives and goals before seeking risk management.

  • How do you mitigate risks?

    The ideal strategy to mitigate risks is to consistently monitor potential threats and their consequences to your business and reputation. Many lack the time or resources to accomplish this, which is why it is wiser to consult an external firm for an objective perspective. Remaining aware of possible threats before they occur can help you become better prepared to make the right decision on how to address them. Many risks happen from a variety of sources both external and internal, and spotting them is essential to safeguarding your reputation.

  • How do you develop a risk strategy?

    You develop a risk strategy from the ground up. Consider the services you offer, the number of departments, the number of clients, and any financial aspects involved. Build a clear understanding of the context, your objectives, and your stakeholders. When you successfully identify the potential risks, you can evaluate them in terms of how they will impact your organization. 

    Consider the level of risk and its source, along with its potential consequences, and which aspects of the organization it may impact most. Mitigation can emerge in many forms according to your strategy and the level of concern for each threat. You can choose between accepting, avoiding, or transferring the risk.

  • How are successful risk management strategies measured?

    You can measure the success or failure of a risk management strategy through certain metrics. Track the number of risks identified and correlate them with the number of risks that have occurred. This will allow you to compare and contrast the number of risks mitigated and whether your strategy has succeeded. When the pros outweigh the cons of these measures, you will know that your strategies are successful.

  • What are the types of risks a business faces?

    There are many aspects of a business that can be vulnerable to threats or external attacks. Risk management consulting intends to recognize and monitor these.

    • Strategic Risk: Threats that can impact an organization’s strategic objectives and business plan 
    • Compliance Risk: Threats that result from regulatory requirements and whether or not the business meets them 
    • Financial Risk: Risks that harm a company’s profitability and financial planning 
    • Reputational Risk: Threats that relate to a business’s image and how the public perceives them 
    • Security Risk: Possible threats to the organization’s information, which can entail data leaks and security breaches 
    • Quality Risk: Risks in relation to the products and services offered which may cause the loss of customer base

    An external team of professionals may help you identify which of these risks apply to you. Identifying their possibilities is crucial to mitigate them and find an appropriate solution.

  • What is the risk management process?

    Risk management involves the identification and mitigation of various risks to businesses and brands. The major steps of risk management involve identification, assessment, control, monitoring, and reporting. All of which is important to manage risks that can pose a detriment to businesses.

  • How do you create a business continuity plan?

    Having a business continuity plan becomes crucial, as you can be prepared for any given situation. When or if things start going wrong, you will already have a plan to handle the issue. In writing a business continuity plan, you would want to anticipate possible risks and consider what might go wrong. Then, you can create a risk management plan to address the issue when it arises and respond quickly. Having a solid business continuity plan can help you and your company adapt as things change.

  • How does risk management affect a company's reputation?

    Reputation is one of the most vulnerable areas for any business. Risk management can prevent incidents before they happen, protecting a company’s reputation. Negative publicity, loss of confidence from customers, or possible damage to long-term viability can all be prevented with good risk management.

  • What is a risk identification process?

    Risk identification processes mainly consist of a detailed analysis of potential threats, including financial, reputational, operational, and external cyber threats. The process also involves prioritization of risks by consultants based on occurrence and potential impact. This proactive measure assists a business in undertaking efficient mitigation strategies.

  • How can I get started with risk management for my business?

    Start by reaching out to a risk management consulting firm. Their team of experts can help assess the current risks, provide tailored strategies, and implement systems to protect your business and its reputation.


  • What is online reputation management?

    Online reputations are everything. Controlling and improving the public online perception of a person or organization helps to establish a positive image when people search for your name or brand. With billions of daily searches and the influence of social media, maintaining a strong digital reputation is crucial for trust and relationships.

  • How do you fix a bad business reputation?

    Fixing a negative business reputation involves identifying the issue, acknowledging it, and committing to change. If needed, apologize openly, communicate your actions to address the problem, and ensure that your focus is on customer needs. Follow through on your commitments and proactively address potential future issues.

  • How can I improve my personal online reputation?

    To improve your personal online reputation, start by auditing your current online presence to identify areas for improvement. Increase positive search results, create high domain authority links, and manage or push down negative or irrelevant content. Utilize owned channels like your website and social media profiles, and leverage earned media to enhance your online reputation.

  • How can I monitor what people are saying about my business?

    You can start by Googling yourself, your business, or any relevant handles that might pick you up online. Setting up a Google Alert is an exceptionally good way to keep up with your mentions since you get updates every time a mention gets thrown your way. Using other online reputation management resources can help you stay aware of the subjects about you or your business online.

  • Will online reputation management help my business grow?

    Online reputation management (ORM) strategies will surely help your business grow. It is a way to connect with people, and, most importantly, brings trust and credibility to a business. ORM will contribute to a strong and positive online presence that will grow your customer base, hence boosting revenue. The reputation of your business is everything, and a strong online reputation is the key to success.

  • What is SEO, and why is it such a major factor in reputation management?

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial to increasing the visibility of positive content, driving more organic traffic, and improving your online reputation. It helps control what appears when people search for you or your business. A great part of web traffic that comes to your website originates from search engines. If your page ranks high on search engine result pages, it will receive more traffic, resulting in more customers.

  • Who might need help managing their reputation?

    Every business, from smaller to large ones, can benefit from online reputation management. It can potentially save your business some time, work, and money. Apart from businesses, some individuals may also need help managing their online reputation. A negative reputation online can impact their career and relationships, among other aspects of their life.

  • Why is reputation management important for individuals?

    You have probably Googled yourself in the past. This is common for people when they want to learn more about you or your business. Having a solid reputation management plan can enhance an individual’s career opportunities, create stronger relationships, increase trust and credibility, improve your online image and digital footprint, as well as reduce the impact of negative publicity.

  • ‍Why is reputation management important for businesses?

    Creating a strong reputation should be a priority for business owners. A reputation management strategy will increase customers’ trust and loyalty towards the brand. It can also help you prepare in case anything goes wrong, as well as improve the visibility and recognition of a brand for competitiveness. These factors can push sales and revenues in the long run.

  • How long does it take for my online reputation to be repaired?

    There is no exact frame for a successful reputation management timeline. It will depend on factors including the amount of negative search results that appear on search engines and the domain authority of websites that hold the negative content. It is a continuous effort to keep a strong online reputation, which is why it is important to always have an online reputation plan, even before negative results show up.

Staff Augmentation

  • How do companies ensure the security of sensitive information when using staff augmentation?

    Companies ensure the security of sensitive information in staff augmentation by implementing NDAs, access controls, data encryption, and secure communication channels. They also conduct regular security audits, provide ongoing training, and perform thorough background checks on all augmented staff.

  • What is the difference between outsourcing and staff augmentation?

    Outsourcing is the process of handing over a complete function or a project to a different company that can execute it on its own. Staff augmentation, however, hires a staff outside the company, adding it to the existing team who work directly under the company’s supervision for a given project or timeframe.

  •  How much does staff augmentation cost?

    An approximate staff augmentation cost per hour can be $20 to $200 and above. However, the cost varies based on factors such as skill level, experience, project duration, and industry.

  • What is the difference between staff augmentation and consulting?

    Staff augmentation is the hiring of a temporary worker to fill in for an employee or to help ease their workload. Consulting on the other hand is hiring an external company for their expertise in a particular field.

  • What is an example of Staff Augmentation?

    An example of staff augmentation would be adding an external, augmented staff member to a company’s team for a limited time. They would provide their services in particular applications such as writing codes and would be paid hourly.

  • What are the advantages of Staff Augmentation?

    There are numerous advantages such as reduced operational costs and saving time. Unlike outsourcing, you can still maintain control over your employees and the project.

  • What are the disadvantages of Staff Augmentation?

    While beneficial for certain projects, staff augmentation could become a costly affair for long-term projects. Maintaining staff for a long duration requires budget alterations which could be cost-heavy. Furthermore, the new staff would require an increased level of oversight and management.

  • What is the difference between staffing agencies and staff augmentation?

    Staffing agencies cover all types of employment contracts part-time, full-time, and contract-based. On the other hand, staff augmentation caters to seasonal work hikes and arrangements to deal with the same.

  • What is the difference between staff augmentation and MSP?

    Staff augmentation is usually preferred for short-term arrangements while Managed Service Providers are preferred for long-term projects. Staff augmentation is typically preferred for short-term needs and is more cost-effective. Managed services may require a higher initial investment but offer long-term savings.

  • What are the types of Staff Augmentation?

    Types of staff augmentation include short-term or long-term augmentation, on-demand augmentation, skill-specific augmentation, and project-based augmentation.

strategic consulting

  • What do strategic consultants do?

    Strategic consultants offer advice on improving functional strategies needed to boost your organization’s growth. They assist in an unbiased manner and focus their expertise to identify problem areas and suggest effective solutions.

  • What is strategic IT consulting?

    These are experts with experience in professional IT support services and digital transformation. Strategic consultants consolidate your organization’s IT infrastructure, identify gaps, explore potential growth areas, and increase overall value.

  • How do you choose the right strategic consultant for your business?

    A strategic consultant with a diverse skill set would be most suitable for your business needs. Ensure they have expertise and experience in your specific area and industry. Remember to check their references and feedback from past clients. It is also advised to confirm that their approach aligns with your company’s culture and values.

  • How is strategic consulting different from management consulting?

    Strategic consulting focuses on the long-term strategy of a company, guiding it toward more effective business policies. Whereas management consulting provides for improvement in a company’s day-to-day operations. Their main target is to improve cost management and efficiency.

  • What is an example of strategic consulting?

    Some examples of strategic consulting include mergers and acquisitions, improving operations, digital strategy, supply chain optimization ,and economic policy making.

  • How much does strategic consulting cost?

    The cost of strategic consulting can vary depending on different factors such as the reputation of the company, project length, consultant’s expertise, and industry standards.

  • What are the components of strategy consulting?

    Some of the components include Corporate Strategy, Business Model Transformation, Economic Policy, Mergers & Acquisitions, Organisational Strategy, Functional Strategy, and Digital Strategy.

  • How does strategic consulting work?

    Strategy consultants work with the company’s employees and management to identify loopholes and weaknesses. They make recommendations to overcome these weaknesses for better business efficiency.

  • What skills are important for a strategic consultant?

    Problem structuring, data analysis and presentation, adaptability to new industries and locations, as well as good social and communication skills are some of the important skills needed in a strategic consultant.

  • When to opt for strategic consulting?

    A company may opt for strategic consulting when it needs to expand or grow in new markets or ways. If a company wants to build its competitive advantage or get an outside perspective on its work it should hire a strategic consultant.

Technology Development 

  • What are some examples of technology services?

    Technology services include a wide range of services such as IT services, software development, website design and maintenance, as well as engineering services. All these depend on the needs of a business and what will work best in their favor.

  • How much do technology services cost?

    The typical allocation of funds for tech-related expenses for small and large businesses amounts to 2-7% of their annual revenue. However, the amount spent on technology services and solutions varies depending on the type of business, tech solutions required, and size of the business.

  • How can technology services benefit my business?

    Technology services help to upscale your business by increasing system efficiency, enhancing productivity, streamlining operations, and managing finance records. The increased efficiency and maintenance in operations can reduce costs, additionally allow your business to grow.

  • What are technology consulting services?

    Technology consulting services offer expertise and advice to businesses on how to leverage the right sophisticated tech to meet business goals. It involves helping companies in installing software customized to their needs.

  • What does a technology consultant do?

    Technology consultants strive to solve business problems by leveraging modern technology solutions. They work with clients on specific projects to improve the results they deliver to the business.

  • What is digital transformation?

    Digital transformation is an important aspect of change for small businesses in the modern age of technology. It entails the integration of technology solutions and tools to digitize processes, eliminating redundant tasks. Digital transformation is seen as something businesses can do to remain relevant and competitive in an industry that is becoming increasingly digital.

  • What are the 4 main areas of digital transformation?

    The four main areas are process transformation, business model transformation, domain transformation, and cultural and organizational transformation. These are the implementations of digital transformation that can have the most impact when considering the use of modern technology.

  • How to digitally transform your business?

    Digital transformation involves multiple steps, but first and foremost, assessing business data and processes is imperative. Further, identifying the gaps, and areas of development, employing the right technology tools, and involving strategic stakeholders in the process is crucial.

  • Why is it important for businesses to invest in technology development?

    Technological innovations can transform the means of production, distribution, and customer service of any business irrespective of whether that business generates revenue through client services, digital media, or physical goods.

  • What is a digital transformation strategy?

    A digital transformation strategy involves using digital technologies to improve a business’s operations, processes, and reach. Developing a roadmap for short- and long-term digital transformation is crucial for every business.

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Reputations are everything.
Let us help you control the online narrative.

A positive reputation is a valuable asset. You deserve to be in control of what the internet says about you or your brand. We specialize in building, monitoring, and protecting digital reputations. Schedule time with our team to audit your existing digital presence and find ways to elevate and enhance your online impression.

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Reputations are everything.
Let us help you control the online narrative.

A positive reputation is a valuable asset. You deserve to be in control of what the internet says about you or your brand. We specialize in building, monitoring, and protecting digital reputations. Schedule time with our team to audit your existing digital presence and find ways to elevate and enhance your online impression.

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Reputations are everything.
Let us help you control the online narrative.

A positive reputation is a valuable asset. You deserve to be in control of what the internet says about you or your brand. We specialize in building, monitoring, and protecting digital reputations. Schedule time with our team to audit your existing digital presence and find ways to elevate and enhance your online impression.

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Brittney Bagiardi

Business Development & Marketing Manager at Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP February 4, 2020

The Legal Marketing Association's Tampa City Group was honored to have Sameer come to speak with us regarding Online Reputation Management. Sameer is an energetic presenter who took the time to answer each and every one of our questions. His expertise was evident in his polished presentation, and our members were engaged thoroughly. All communications leading up to the event were timely and friendly, and I have enjoyed my time working with Sameer on this speaking engagement.

Tamie Maffeo

Marketing Manager at NEIRG Wealth Management. & Business Succession Advisers, LLC

Working with Sameer and the team at Blue Ocean Global Technology has been such a positive experience! The ongoing communication combined with the efficiency of work of the team is very much appreicated. Sameer is quick to respond to any questions we may have. He and his team is quick to to resolve any questions that arise. They go above and beyond for us no matter what day or time we reach out. I have had many dissapointing engagements over the years with similar firms but must say that this is a refreshing experience. I am in a niche business with complicated regulations surronding our marketing platform. Having the peace of mind that the team at Blue Ocean is there to impliment and guide our firm gives me great satisfation. That being said, I give them my highest reccomendations and would gladly speak with anyone who has any questions regarding my experience.

Jay Chong

EVP, Head of e-Mobility Group at SK Group

I had a chance to work with Sameer for several months, and he has been one of the most transparent and responsible people I have ever worked with. He has been highly responsive, always responding within a day despite the time zone difference, and thoughtful, which was a big relief for me as some I worked with in the past were "Catch Me if You Can". He has delivered all his promises and more. He has been genuine and results oriented. It has been a pleasure working with him, and I highly recommend his service.

Vern Hayden

Client Advocate at Sovereign Financial Group, Inc

Sameer lives outside the cliche’s of life. Let me put it this way:

If you were looking for someone totally committed to helping in a mission, a cause, or company you would want Sameer.

If you were looking for someone who would drop everything to help you, who knows the best and worst about you, someone with empathy and understanding, in short someone you call a “true friend” , you would want Sameer.

If you want someone who has aligned themselves with the great causes of women you will want Sameer. If you want someone who gives a damn about kids that are abused,misplaced,without direction,kicked to the curb, and need help get Sameer.

If you want someone to give a mesmerizing presentation get Sameer. He will stay up all night doing relentless research on the subject and the audience and inspire your audience to action.

If you want someone with a consistent well defined philosophy of life combined with a remarkable code of ethics you want Sameer.

If you want a leader with emotional and academic intelligence combined with magnetic charisma check in with Sameer.

If you want a team player who has been in the trenches as well as the mountain tops Sameer has been there.

If you want someone to help stabilize your business and take it to greater fulfillment Sameer will be there for you.

If you need a George Gilder tech genius as a resource., Sameer knows the best and can bring innovative solutions to your challenges. ( the right wing radio host Rush Limbaugh said if he could choose another brain it would be Gilder’s.)
If you need someone to trust with integrity and accountability you need to meet Sameer. I could go on but I think you know how I feel about this guy now. I have known and been a friend for over two decades.

Najah A. Edmondson

Marketing professional at National Center For College & Career Transitions (NC3T), The TASA Group and ASK For Tutoring

Sameer Somal is a personality you cannot forget! I met Sameer one year exhibiting at the Delaware Valley Legal Expo in King of Prussia, PA. It was the end of the night and he came over to introduce himself to me and my colleague. We engaged in an amazing conversation about The TASA Group and about relationship management. He helped us take our belongings to the car at the end of the night. We all left with a new connection and a lifelong friend. So excited with meeting Sameer, we immediately figured out how we could work together - webinars, articles and in-person presentations to some of the organizations we are partnered with. It's been a few years since we met and Sameer continues to thrive in his field and in his expertise. The light he exudes is both infectious and comforting. I would recommend Sameer for any job!

Walt Wiesenhutter

Certified Small Business Mentor at SCORE Mentors Philadelphia. Taught at Harvard University Executive MBA & at Columbia Executive MBA & Northwestern Executive MBA

My name is Walter J. Wiesenhutter and I am loyal client of Sameer Somal’s and Blue Ocean Global Technology. I founded Jay Associates in 1984 and served as president of our consulting company for several decades. Regretfully, our offices were in the World Trade Center in 9/11 and we lost key team members as a result of those tragic events. We persevered for the next few years to replace the seemingly unreplaceable. I met Sameer, one of the co-founders of Blue Ocean Global Technology in 2005. I was immediately impressed with his genuine character and commitment to serving others. The emergence of the internet and digital technology changed our business so much and our meeting couldn’t have been more serendipitous. I was quite fortunate to learn of this company’s world-class resources. Over the years, they were instrumental in improving our stellar reputation and building a digital presence that reflected the trust we had with our clients offline. As business partners, clients, and friends complained about their Google presence, disappointing web development projects, and digital marketing companies over promising and under delivering, I referred them directly to Sameer and his team at Blue Ocean Global Technology. Their needs and requirements were always handled with care; the feedback is always exceptional because they deliver results based on exactly what the companies want to help them grow. When Blue Ocean Global Tech did not feel they could provide the best service or guidance on a particular situation, Sameer and his colleagues are honest with me or anyone from my network. They then took the time to find resources and partners within their trusted network that were a better fit. Today, at 75, I am delighted to share and document my successful experiences with this team of excellent professionals. If you are looking for a global team that is diligent, honest, and transparent, you have found the right company in Blue Ocean Global Technology. Not only do I give them my highest and best recommendation, I feel fortunate to call many of their global team members my friends!