Key Reputation Management Statistics to Watch in 2024 & Why

By: Mostapha Khalifeh |  September 30, 2024


Did you know that a company’s online reputation accounts for 63 % of its market value?
This statistic demonstrates that business success no longer solely depends on product quality or marketing. In today’s digitalized era, where consumers can read everything about your business with just a single click, success is more linked to your brand image. In other words, a positive brand reputation is everything; it defines the failures and success of your business. This is where brand reputation management statistics come in —they reveal how your business is perceived online.

The key point is that brand reputation management isn’t just a buzzword—it is a vital component that plays a huge role in the growth, success, and survival of your business. That is why keeping a strict eye on brand reputation management statistics. This helps in continuously improving and maintaining a positive brand reputation is essential.

In this article, we will explore the key reputation management statistics that every business should track in 2024. We will also explore the importance of building a positive brand reputation in a competitive marketplace.

Here are the crucial reputation management statistics that you should not ignore in 2024.


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Online Reputation Management Consultant

Key Reputation Management Statistics

99.95% Research Online Brand Before Making the Purchasing Decision

Consumer behavior and purchasing styles have changed significantly . Unlike in the past, 99.95% of consumers research and learn about a store or business online before making a purchase.

This trend is more common among Gen Z and millennials compared to Boomers. For example, 55.75% of Gen Z’ers always do online research before purchasing anything, compared to 34% of Boomers. Potential consumers can have a negative remark and refrain from your business on finding negative statistics on your brand.

Collage depicting customer experience themes and feedback.

Image Source – Freepik

No matter how good your product or service is, you cannot grow if you overlook the reputational management statistics.

93% of People Choose a Brand Based on Its Review and Rating

Reviews and ratings play a major role in the growth and success of a business than conventional marketing practices. People trust what they read in the form of reviews rather than what you say about yourself. With nearly 99.75 reading reviews sometimes and 91% reading them always compared to 77% in 2021 before engaging with the brands.

In fact, 84% of millennials reveal that they no longer believe in traditional marketing. Additionally, 77% of users trust user-generated content more than marketing from the brand itself.

Customer experience creative collage featuring themes of customer feedback and interaction

Image Source – Freepik

49% of customers consider a 4-star rating an important factor when choosing the brand. Similarly, 77% specifically take time to read online reviews before deciding to engage with any business. 66 45% of consumers simply don’t buy from a business that has no reviews. All in all, 93% of people make purchasing decisions based on business ratings and reviews.

This reflects that positive reputation management statistics can either make or break your business.

72% of Consumers Trust the Business With a Positive Review

Reputation management statistics do not just influence brand image; they also have a significant impact on trust and customer relationships. Positive statistics or reviews help build trust and loyalty while negative reviews harm both. In fact, 83% of consumers avoid doing business with brands they do not trust.

For example, 66 % of consumers avoid the business after reading the negative reviews. Even worse, one negative article on the first page of Google results in a 22 % loss in revenue.

However, never ignore the negative reviews. Strategic response —both positive and negative—increases the brand’s trust by 69%. It is equally important to focus on genuine reviews as 63% of consumers value brands with authentic reviews.

Online Reputation Makes Up 63% of a Company’s Market Value

Your online reputation is more than mere feedback or reviews. It plays a vital role in determining your brand’s market value. As per recent statistics, it represents 63 % of your brand’s entire market value. For example, a single review boosts the conversion rate by 354 % while three negative consecutive reviews lead to a 59.2 % loss.

Digitally generated image of a desk with a creative monitor setup, showcasing technology and workspace design

Image Source – Freepik

75% of Prospective Employees Check the Company’s Reputation Before Applying.

Reputation management statistics play a critical role in attracting or deterring top talent. According to job-seeking platforms like Glassdoor, 75% of candidates consider a company’s brand image before applying. Moreover, 69 % reject job offers from companies with negative reputations even if they are jobless. A positive reputation also helps in retaining good talent.

50% of employees avoid working for the company even with increased pay and benefits due to its bad reputation. That means a poor reputation or brand image can turn away the best candidate.

Today, a company’s reputation is not just measured by its customer service or product reviews. It is linked and measured collectively by everything that a company does including the individual who represents it, such as the CEO and founders. Here are some reputation management statistics related to the CEO‘s reputation influencing the brand’s overall reputation.

Protect Your Brand’s Image

Don’t let negative reviews define you. Connect with us now for expert guidance on managing your online reputation effectively.

CEO Reputation and Its Influence on Company Image

49% of a Company’s Reputation Is Attributed to Its CEO

Nearly half (49%) of a company’s reputation is linked to its CEO, which constitutes 44% of its market value. Consumers closely monitor every aspect of a brand, especially the digital presence of its leadership. The way top leaders communicate, behave, and manage their digital and social media presence significantly impacts the brand’s image. According to 93% of customers and 76% of senior executives, a CEO’s activeness on social media builds corporate reputation and credibility.

The Edelman Trust Barometer report reveals that 77% of consumers do not buy from companies with a negative reputation. Moreover, 82% of investors say that a positive brand image drives their investment decisions. With 50% of consumers respecting corporate leaders less today, it is time for corporate leaders to actively build a positive digital presence.

These reputation management statistics make it clear that reputation management is the cornerstone for your business’s growth and prosperity. Therefore, let us review some strategies to develop and regularly enhance your online reputation.

Online Reputation Management Strategies

Whether you are a small or a big business, you should have defined a reputation management strategy. This includes actively monitoring what is being said about your business and dealing with it proactively to maintain a good image. Without a proper plan in place, a single negative action e.g. review can ruin your entire business or individual image.

Here are some steps you can take to establish and improve your digital presence. Before putting in an Online Reputation Management strategy, assess how your business is being perceived online.

Conceptual image representing business cooperation and strategy for a successful company

Image Source – Freepik

How many reviews do you have on Google or other review platforms such as Yelp and Trustpilot? Are they good, bad, or neutral? Or don’t you have any? Use social media listening tools such as Hootsuite and Brandwatch to gather this information. Your first step depends on what you find in the audit.

If you have good sales and products but no online reviews, it can negatively impact your business reputation. You should plan how to make customers leave reviews for you online. Set up the plan and target goal to get X number of reviews by X time. Conversely, if you think consumers have left negative reviews about you, start by addressing them. Remember, the way you deal with negativity is important. A good, proactive response can help restore the image, while a poor response can damage it further. If there are lots of negative reviews, consider utilizing reputation management services. They can help you in several ways from removing the negative reviews to pushing it down in the search engine. Always be ready for the unexpected and have proper crisis management to deal with online crises. Last but not least, regardless of what you find online, it is crucial to focus on SEO and content strategy. This helps in building authority, trust, and credibility in search results. These efforts help to maintain and strengthen your online presence even when challenges arise.


You cannot ignore the importance of maintaining a stellar, positive online presence in today’s time. The reputation management statistics discussed highlight that they are not just numbers. Rather the key metric that helps your business grow, and thrive. If you are a business, brand, or individual aiming for success, you must closely monitor and Maintain your reputation management statistics.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is reputation management?

Reputation management involves actively maintaining a positive perception of a business, brand, or individual. This includes regularly monitoring online mentions reviews, and feedback to take steps to address those concerns.

2. How to monitor and maintain a positive brand reputation?

To monitor and maintain a positive brand reputation, regularly check reviews and social media mentions about your brand. Respond quickly to any negative feedback and work on improving any issues people point out.

3. What are the reputation management statistics and how to monitor and maintain them?

Reputation management statistics show how people view your brand online, like review scores and social media sentiment. To monitor and maintain these stats, use tools that track reviews and online mentions, and address any negative reviews promptly.

Build Trust and Credibility Online

Ready to enhance your online reputation? Our team is here to support you with effective strategies and insights to create a positive brand image.

Mostapha Khalifeh
Mostapha Khalifeh

We Listen. We Evaluate.
We Provide Solution.

Our professionals carefully construct a strategy as per your goals. It is individually structured catering to all your needs. Our motto is to personalize your experience and journey of establishing your brand!