Author: Blue Ocean Global Tech
When a dispute or charge comes before a court, that court has a duty to weigh the evidence presented so it can come to a fair decision. Yet justice can be served,...
Businesses need to be very careful when using the terms “Data Science” and “Big Data.” They are more than just buzzwords companies use to sound up-to-date....
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Not A Thing Of The Future; It Is Already Here In fact, it’s already everywhere—when you use a smartphone, when you use an online...
These days, Googling the name of a potential employee or new acquaintance is practically second nature; we’ve all done it. But when was the last time you performed...
Brand reputation management is one of the most important and foundational aspects of your business strategy. Chances are, your business is either neglecting it...
Cyber crimes and attacks have significantly increased over the last 10 years. These issues include stealing sensitive private information about individuals and enterprises,...
To say that everything is online now, even crime is no exaggeration. When a crime occurs either on the internet or via computer, also known as cybercrime, law enforcement...
Erroneous and negative content online causes serious financial and intangible losses for an affected company or individual. For a business, it’s difficult to quantify...